
Don’t Worry About the Solution, Focus on the Problem

BY FRASER CAIN | 1 min read

We’re trained to think holistically about problems and solutions together. All of the great inventions and companies happened when someone identified a problem, and then implemented the solution.

Problem: taxis are hard to find in peak times
Solution: Uber

Problem: electric cars are perceived as underpowered and range limited.
Solution: Tesla

But the whole concept of HeroX is that we can break apart the problem and solution from one another, and slot in a whole middle stage: competition. Now, just identifying the problem is a perfectly good use of your time.

Let me give you an example.

When Peter Diamandis created the X Prize, to help create the first private spacecraft, he had no idea what the winning spacecraft would look like and how it would work.

He just raised a $10 million prize and said, “first one to cross the finish line gets the money”.

There were dozens of different competitors, each of which was considering a different solution for their spacecraft.

It was Scaled Composites that settled on the WhiteKnightOne carrier aircraft, hybrid rocket system and feathering atmospheric re-entry design that actually won the prize.

Diamandis focused on the problem, and let competition provide the solution.

And that’s how it is with HeroX. If you can identify something in the world that could be improved, you’ve already done the world a service.

Now, take it, and turn it into a challenge. Let competition solve it.

Problem: Texting and driving is dangerous.

Challenge: Create a method where drivers with cellphone are unable to text and drive.

Solution: ??

Don’t worry what the solution is. Once there’s a prize, people from around the world will arrive with solutions. And the first one that meets the criteria, wins the prize.

No solution, no prize.

From this point on, we want to get amazing at creating challenges. We want to learn what sorts of challenges will push humanity forward and focus the minds of competitors around the world.

We need challenges which are specific and solvable to really unlock the potential of the competitors out there.

If you haven’t already, go ahead and make your own challenge. Remember, just focus on the problem, don’t worry about the solution.

Your job is to inspire as many people as possible that the problem is real and worth solving. Then the competitors will show up, and it’ll get solved.

Photo Credit: SpaceShipOne. Dave Nakayama/Flickr

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