
Neo Tech


Break the Supply Chain Challenge

Create the technology that can bring small-scale, on-demand hardware manufacturing into the household.

This challenge is closed


This challenge is closed



The Problem

Since the Industrial Revolution, we have understood the factory-to-household supply chain to be the only system that can provide cheap, convenient consumables. This consolidated, closed production model has gone mostly unquestioned since its inception all the way through to our current globalized economy.

The hardware of our day-to-day functionality (cell phones, keyboards, headphones, tablets, you get it) has become as nearly as ubiquitous as clothing and shelter. Unlike clothes and shelter, DIY hardware production still remains mostly out of reach. Despite the innovations in 3D printing and widespread, constant consumer demand for these items, we continue to rely on a centralized distribution model: remote, consolidated manufacturing facilities are the sole origination point of most consumable hardware and their prototypes.

At what point does technology provide the ability for us to decentralize this system and give the industrious and creative power of production back to the individual?

The Challenge Breakthrough

While it's easy to romanticize the glory days of American manufacturing as we collectively recall it, the future will not be built by bringing your grandfather's factory back to the States.

In 1977, when chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corporation Ken Olson said "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home," Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak unveiled the Apple II home computer. As your thumb rests on an LED-backlit IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen with "Retina HD" display, 50 short years later, history tells a slightly different story.

Charles Hull, the man credited with inventing 3D printing was quoted in an interview from 2014 as saying “Some writers and people who talk about 3D printing...most of the stuff they talk about will happen someday—eventually...a lot of that stuff is definitely hype and won’t happen.”

It almost sounds like Hull is presenting a challenge, doesn’t it?

That’s where Break the Supply Chain Challenge comes in: a competition committed to spurring the creation of a device that can make anything in your home or small factory.

After all, if someone tried to sell you coffee brewed 8,000 miles away, that spent four days in a shipping container before it hit your mug, you’d probably say "Thanks, but I'll stick with my coffee maker."

In essence, this challenge is looking at manufacturing the same way. We're determined to build the means of production for the next generation of individual consumers, small businesses, and prototype-hungry designers and inventors.

Let's break the supply chain once and for all.

What Can You Do Right Now?

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  • Have an interesting article or research to share with us? Add it to the Forum tab.
  • Have an idea of what kind of challenge we should create? Let us know in - you guessed it - our Forum tab.
  • Want to contribute but don't know how? Pass this challenge forward by sharing this challenge on your social media feeds. Click the "Share" icon above.