Develop a system to allow for seat adjustments to enhance the ergonomics and comfort of seats.
Your task is to increase the comfort of seats at a low production cost. You may use a pneumatic system (operated by air/gas under pressure) or another system to accomplish this goal. Your solution can focus on reducing the costs of existing solutions or finding new solutions or technology.
Details of the Challenge
The present solution improves comfort by adjusting the pressure in several areas of the seat, such as the lumbar, dorsal, lateral, and hip areas using a pneumatic system. This system has three main components.
1. Air bladders/bags with connecting tubes
2. Air pump
3. Electronic Control Unit (ECU)
The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) is an electrical assembly built with several components, namely, two or more Electrovalves, the Print Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA), a box and a cover.
The current system is expensive, and the price is driven up by the production costs of air pumps and some components of the ECU; namely, the Electrovalves and the PCBA.
About the Seeker
The Seeker is a multinational company founded several decades ago, focused to the research, development, production and commercialization of several high-end systems and products to the automobile and mobility industry. The company has more than 10 thousand workers and operates in 4 continents (America, Europe, Africa and Asia).