“Combining creativity with my skills to solve problems and benefit others inspires me to innovate.”
I am a 15-year-old high school student with a passion for engineering. My goal is to collaborate with others and build up my resume for college. I always try to push myself the furthest, taking the hardest classes I can and learning something new in my free time. Over many years I have picked up many skills. I apply my knowledge throughout all of my passion projects. I am currently trying to get connected and collaborate with many companies. To complete all of my passion projects, I had to learn new software using my current experience. The software I have experience in: Autodesk Inventor Professional 2025 for CAD(advanced), 3D animation/photography using Blender(experienced), and video editing using Davinci Resolve(experienced). As you can see I have a passion for 3d modeling and 3d printing but I also like to explore different fields such as programming which I am intermediate in JS and Python. I am also currently the vice president of my school's competitive robotics team. I am taking AP Calculus AB as a sophomore which is 3 years ahead of the average high school student. I have competed in the NASA Low Leakage Cryogenic Disconnects for Fuel Transfer and Long-Term Storage. I know a few programming languages. These are Python, JS, HTML, CSS, and currently some C#. I am planning on taking Cornell's online course for computational fluid dynamics this summer.