Chris Kovacs
Jan. 1, 2020 - Aug. 1, 2021
National Research Council Post-Doc Fellow at Air Force Research Laboratory
Sept. 1, 2010 - Dec. 1, 2019
Graduate Research Associate at The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio, United States
“Pushing the boundaries of system performance to help us all thrive.”
Problem solving R&D designer, fabricator, and experimenter. Computational Design, Multiphysics FEM, laboratory controls and aquisition programming, hands-on laboratory system design and fabrication, and scientific publishing and presentation.
Designer Engineer Inventor Researcher Scientist Technologist
Roles I’m interested in
HeroXpert Innovator
“Pushing the boundaries of system performance to help us all thrive.”
Problem solving R&D designer, fabricator, and experimenter. Computational Design, Multiphysics FEM, laboratory controls and aquisition programming, hands-on laboratory system design and fabrication, and scientific publishing and presentation.
Designer Engineer Inventor Researcher Scientist Technologist
Roles I’m interested in
HeroXpert Innovator