Upcoming webinar: 2024 FAA Data Challenge Information Session - May 22, 2024, 11 a.m. PDT
Christie St. Martin
Lead of Community Development & MarCom at HeroX
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Bio: Christie St. Martin was born in Bermuda, and educated at two Canadian universities which would prefer not to be mentioned here until she supplies them with healthy building endowments. An uber-geek and proud of it, she established herself as an internet presence with All Things Christie, a blog that managed, with its quirky and unabashedly self-indulgent links to and commentary on whatever struck her fancy or her ire, to attract small legions of readers, fans and would-be stalkers. Her interests were as they are: myriad and eclectic, though certainly given to a particular fondness for the tech-y, the game-y and the kitszchy. She has since wrote and managed VH1's Best Week Ever website. The Los Angeles Times gave her own blog and she contributed to the LATimes' Hero Complex ( a Sci-Fi/Comics blog), where she always provided her usual melange of cheek, snark and occasional observation. She would later go on to work for Syncapse where she managed clients like J.P. Morgan Chase and Loreal's social platforms to help grow, curate and build their online presence. Christie is currently the co-founder of two mobile applications being launched in 2014 Mostly recently she was the former team lead of community development and digital strategy for HeroX. She is her own organizing principle, a kind of mad surfer on the crests of cultural lunacy, alternately acerbic and most definitely has an almost unhealthy obsession with LEGO and Star Trek.
Activist Analyst Blogger Communications specialist Marketing specialist Social entrepreneur Social media expert Writer/Editor
Bio: Christie St. Martin was born in Bermuda, and educated at two Canadian universities which would prefer not to be mentioned here until she supplies them with healthy building endowments. An uber-geek and proud of it, she established herself as an internet presence with All Things Christie, a blog that managed, with its quirky and unabashedly self-indulgent links to and commentary on whatever struck her fancy or her ire, to attract small legions of readers, fans and would-be stalkers. Her interests were as they are: myriad and eclectic, though certainly given to a particular fondness for the tech-y, the game-y and the kitszchy. She has since wrote and managed VH1's Best Week Ever website. The Los Angeles Times gave her own blog and she contributed to the LATimes' Hero Complex ( a Sci-Fi/Comics blog), where she always provided her usual melange of cheek, snark and occasional observation. She would later go on to work for Syncapse where she managed clients like J.P. Morgan Chase and Loreal's social platforms to help grow, curate and build their online presence. Christie is currently the co-founder of two mobile applications being launched in 2014 Mostly recently she was the former team lead of community development and digital strategy for HeroX. She is her own organizing principle, a kind of mad surfer on the crests of cultural lunacy, alternately acerbic and most definitely has an almost unhealthy obsession with LEGO and Star Trek.
Activist Analyst Blogger Communications specialist Marketing specialist Social entrepreneur Social media expert Writer/Editor