David Braddock
Jan. 1, 2003 - June 1, 2010
Adjunct Professor at Chemical Engineering & MAterials Science, Univ of MN
Aug. 15, 1992 - Jan. 1, 1995
Postdoctoral Fellow at Mayo Clinic and Foundation
Aug. 15, 1991 - Aug. 15, 1992
Director of Engineering at Veeco St. Paul/ (EPI)
June 15, 1989 - Aug. 15, 1991
Research Scientist at Army Research Labs
“to make the world a better place...”
David Braddock, Ph.D., Founder and President, OSEMI Inc., David received his BA in physics from the University of Chicago in 1984 and an MEng, MS, and PhD all in Applied Physics from Cornell University in 1986, 1987, and 1991, respectively. His PhD thesis involved the development of high-performance IR detectors. He spent two years at the Electronics Technology and Devices of the United States Army conducting the latter fraction of his PhD research in residence. During his tenure at ETDL, he was awarded a US Army Technical Excellence Award in 1990. David has substantial experience in MBE and effusion cell design and characterization. In the fall of 1991, he joined what is now Veeco® St Paul as their first Director of Engineering, where he was responsible for developing a large fraction of the MBE components currently sold by Veeco® today. David founded Ovation Semiconductor in 1994, which was subsequently renamed OSEMI in 1999. In 2001, after navigating the company through the economic fallout of the telecom collapse and the September 11th disaster, he began adding semiconductor fabrication capability that now includes Stepper and eBeam lithography in-house. David is both a technologist experienced in IR technology and a businessman after twenty-eight years of running a company, but also has a strong experience as an innovator and a background in Physics, Chemistry, and Biotechnology. He has authored or co-authored 18 papers and currently has 9 issued US patents and approximately 40 other patents in process. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a Member of the SPIE, AAAS, and APS. David's focus is not so much on basic science -but instead- Applied Science in using advanced semiconductors, catalysts, and energy from the Sun to make the world a better place!
Business adviser Coach Community organizer Educator/Teacher Engineer Entrepreneur Environmentalist Inventor Musician Project manager Researcher Scientist Social entrepreneur
Roles I’m interested in
Innovator SuperHero
“to make the world a better place...”
David Braddock, Ph.D., Founder and President, OSEMI Inc., David received his BA in physics from the University of Chicago in 1984 and an MEng, MS, and PhD all in Applied Physics from Cornell University in 1986, 1987, and 1991, respectively. His PhD thesis involved the development of high-performance IR detectors. He spent two years at the Electronics Technology and Devices of the United States Army conducting the latter fraction of his PhD research in residence. During his tenure at ETDL, he was awarded a US Army Technical Excellence Award in 1990. David has substantial experience in MBE and effusion cell design and characterization. In the fall of 1991, he joined what is now Veeco® St Paul as their first Director of Engineering, where he was responsible for developing a large fraction of the MBE components currently sold by Veeco® today. David founded Ovation Semiconductor in 1994, which was subsequently renamed OSEMI in 1999. In 2001, after navigating the company through the economic fallout of the telecom collapse and the September 11th disaster, he began adding semiconductor fabrication capability that now includes Stepper and eBeam lithography in-house. David is both a technologist experienced in IR technology and a businessman after twenty-eight years of running a company, but also has a strong experience as an innovator and a background in Physics, Chemistry, and Biotechnology. He has authored or co-authored 18 papers and currently has 9 issued US patents and approximately 40 other patents in process. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a Member of the SPIE, AAAS, and APS. David's focus is not so much on basic science -but instead- Applied Science in using advanced semiconductors, catalysts, and energy from the Sun to make the world a better place!
Business adviser Coach Community organizer Educator/Teacher Engineer Entrepreneur Environmentalist Inventor Musician Project manager Researcher Scientist Social entrepreneur
Roles I’m interested in
Innovator SuperHero