Gabe is a seasoned System Architect with extensive experience in cyber security, cloud development and signal processing. Gabe has lead multiple advanced research and development projects for cloud based applications for the Air Force 24th Cyber Defensive Squadron and the 25th Airforce Cyber Offensive Squadron. Additionally, Gabe has served as the lead flight test Engineer for and advanced DARPA missile program for autonomous tracking and navigation. Gabe poses over 20 years of advanced research and development experience for DoD and private firms. He was awarded his bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Sothern Maine in 2004. In 2008 Gabe earned his Master’s Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Worchester Polytechnic Institute with a focus is wireless communications and electromagnetics.
Gabe has developed unique technology in indoor geolocation utilizing Wi-Fi and magnetic signals to precisely track mobile devices indoor. With this development Gabe founded Reckon Point in develop indoor robotics to capture signals and map buildings. Reckon Point has become a leader in the indoor scan to BIM industry bringing leading edge technologies to the field.