Gavin Armstrong
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Gavin Armstrong is a PhD candidate at the University of Guelph and a committed impact entrepreneur. He is currently serving as the Founder and President of Lucky Iron Fish™, a social enterprise attempting to alleviate iron deficiency around the world using a simple health innovation. A long term advocate and activist against hunger and malnutrition, Gavin is the first Canadian to receive the William J. Clinton Award for international work against hunger and is the inaugural recipient of the international Michaelle Jean Emergency Hunger Relief Award. He has also helped Lucky Iron Fish win a Cannes Lion Grand Prix award, two Gold Lion Awards, a Gold Cannes Health Award, and a Silver Lion Award. He has also received a Silver Innovation Award from the Edison Foundation. As an undergraduate student, Gavin signed the University of Guelph up to be the first Canadian University to become members of Universities Fighting World Hunger (UFWH), an organization of universities worldwide dedicated to promote awareness of, and take action against, hunger and malnutrition. He served as the coordinator of the 6th Annual UFWH Summit, the first time that the conference had been held in Canada, and attracted more than 450 delegates, 50 speakers and raised more than $130,000 to support the conference. Gavin also instituted an annual event at the University to pack food for emergency relief: Since 2011 this event has packaged over 1 million meals and Gavin has raised over $250,000 to support the initiative. Gavin is also a strong supporter for increasing educational opportunities for the Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya, developing new opportunities to fund a solar power program that will power the schools and raising money to build a new school in the camps. He has also developed links between the University of Guelph and Universite de Nouakchott (Mauritania) to boost food production and capacity in one of the poorest regions of Africa. He is also currently serving on the Executive Committee for the Cambodian Canadian Chamber of Commerce. Gavin holds an honours bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Guelph. During this time he was elected as the Communications and Corporate Affairs Commissioner for the student union, served on the Senate, the Board of Governors, the Presidential Task Force on Sustainability, the BetterPlanet Project steering committee and cabinet (the capital campaign of the University), and as the student co-chair for the United Way Campaign. He is also a 20 15 fellow at the Unreasonable Institute in Boulder Colorado.
Gavin Armstrong is a PhD candidate at the University of Guelph and a committed impact entrepreneur. He is currently serving as the Founder and President of Lucky Iron Fish™, a social enterprise attempting to alleviate iron deficiency around the world using a simple health innovation. A long term advocate and activist against hunger and malnutrition, Gavin is the first Canadian to receive the William J. Clinton Award for international work against hunger and is the inaugural recipient of the international Michaelle Jean Emergency Hunger Relief Award. He has also helped Lucky Iron Fish win a Cannes Lion Grand Prix award, two Gold Lion Awards, a Gold Cannes Health Award, and a Silver Lion Award. He has also received a Silver Innovation Award from the Edison Foundation. As an undergraduate student, Gavin signed the University of Guelph up to be the first Canadian University to become members of Universities Fighting World Hunger (UFWH), an organization of universities worldwide dedicated to promote awareness of, and take action against, hunger and malnutrition. He served as the coordinator of the 6th Annual UFWH Summit, the first time that the conference had been held in Canada, and attracted more than 450 delegates, 50 speakers and raised more than $130,000 to support the conference. Gavin also instituted an annual event at the University to pack food for emergency relief: Since 2011 this event has packaged over 1 million meals and Gavin has raised over $250,000 to support the initiative. Gavin is also a strong supporter for increasing educational opportunities for the Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya, developing new opportunities to fund a solar power program that will power the schools and raising money to build a new school in the camps. He has also developed links between the University of Guelph and Universite de Nouakchott (Mauritania) to boost food production and capacity in one of the poorest regions of Africa. He is also currently serving on the Executive Committee for the Cambodian Canadian Chamber of Commerce. Gavin holds an honours bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Guelph. During this time he was elected as the Communications and Corporate Affairs Commissioner for the student union, served on the Senate, the Board of Governors, the Presidential Task Force on Sustainability, the BetterPlanet Project steering committee and cabinet (the capital campaign of the University), and as the student co-chair for the United Way Campaign. He is also a 20 15 fellow at the Unreasonable Institute in Boulder Colorado.