Kurtis Clark
May 3, 2019 - June 15, 2021
Engineering Intern at Lowes Manufacturing LLC
Platteville, Wisconsin, United States
“The ability to help others and the desire to improve the lives of those around me.”
Kurtis Clark is a Mechanical Engineering Major from University of Wisconsin Platteville. With two years of experience working as a mechanical engineering intern, as well as experience doing academic research for UWP STEM department working under a mathematics professor. Kurtis Clark has experience in the editing and designing process of various parts with varying applications. As well as experience in the various production and manufacturing processes of those parts. Kurtis Clark grew up in a small rural town in central Wisconsin where he graduated in class of 2016.
Engineer Student
Roles I’m interested in
“The ability to help others and the desire to improve the lives of those around me.”
Kurtis Clark is a Mechanical Engineering Major from University of Wisconsin Platteville. With two years of experience working as a mechanical engineering intern, as well as experience doing academic research for UWP STEM department working under a mathematics professor. Kurtis Clark has experience in the editing and designing process of various parts with varying applications. As well as experience in the various production and manufacturing processes of those parts. Kurtis Clark grew up in a small rural town in central Wisconsin where he graduated in class of 2016.
Engineer Student
Roles I’m interested in
UW-Platteville's team UW-Platteville's team
8 team members
Looking for members
Pioneering Potential Design and Siting Submissions
by UW-Platteville's team
Hydro Potential in the Upper Mississippi Basin
The UW-Platteville team will explore local hydro potential in the Driftless Area, a unique region in the Upper Mississippi River Basin.
by UW-Platteville's team