Upcoming webinar: Connecting the Community Research Showcase - July 11, 2024, 9 a.m. PDT
Malkiel Bar Lev
Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv District, Israel
“My drive to innovate stems from blending tech, education and advocacy to impact society positively.”
Malkiel Bar-Lev, a B.Sc. Electrical Engineer from Technion, is a creative entrepreneur in education and technology, founding i-can.co.il and VisionVoyage. A committed volunteer in Hasbara since October 7, he co-founded Hasbaraa.com and, with Guy, developed an AI tool at proisrael.vayomar.com to support pro-Israeli advocates on social media. He also organizes weekly meetings for volunteer leaders to coordinate and amplify their impact.
“My drive to innovate stems from blending tech, education and advocacy to impact society positively.”
Malkiel Bar-Lev, a B.Sc. Electrical Engineer from Technion, is a creative entrepreneur in education and technology, founding i-can.co.il and VisionVoyage. A committed volunteer in Hasbara since October 7, he co-founded Hasbaraa.com and, with Guy, developed an AI tool at proisrael.vayomar.com to support pro-Israeli advocates on social media. He also organizes weekly meetings for volunteer leaders to coordinate and amplify their impact.