Melissa Haendel
Chief Research Informatics Officer at University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Five Points, Colorado, United States
“Diverse Data+Diverse People=innovation”
I am the Chief Research Informatics Officer and Marsico Chair in Data Science at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, and the Director of the Center for Data to Health (CD2H). My background is in molecular genetics and developmental biology as well as translational informatics, with a focus over the past decade on open science and semantic engineering. My vision is to weave together healthcare systems, basic science research, and patient-generated data through the development of data-integration technologies and innovative data capture strategies. Through my leadership of the Monarch Initiative, we have led the field in the integration of genotype-phenotype data across species to improve rare-disease diagnosis and mechanism discovery. Working together across disciplines to harmonize data and knowledge in a process I refer to as "socio-technical engineering" - where the data AND the people are harmonized to achieve shared but sometimes hidden goals. Through the use of such socio-technical engineering strategies, I have also led the creation of the National Covid Cohort Collaborative (N3C), the largest national publically available harmonized HIPAA-limited dataset in US history. The N3C was created as part of the Center for Data to Health that I direct, which aims to coordinate clinical informatics across 60 US academic medical centers. I also lead and participate in a variety of international standards organizations to support improved data sharing and utility worldwide. Finally, I am a dedicated mentor and focus on the creation and health of diverse teams to advance societal challenges.
Community organizer Data Analyst Information technologist Researcher
Roles I’m interested in
Blogger Innovator
“Diverse Data+Diverse People=innovation”
I am the Chief Research Informatics Officer and Marsico Chair in Data Science at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, and the Director of the Center for Data to Health (CD2H). My background is in molecular genetics and developmental biology as well as translational informatics, with a focus over the past decade on open science and semantic engineering. My vision is to weave together healthcare systems, basic science research, and patient-generated data through the development of data-integration technologies and innovative data capture strategies. Through my leadership of the Monarch Initiative, we have led the field in the integration of genotype-phenotype data across species to improve rare-disease diagnosis and mechanism discovery. Working together across disciplines to harmonize data and knowledge in a process I refer to as "socio-technical engineering" - where the data AND the people are harmonized to achieve shared but sometimes hidden goals. Through the use of such socio-technical engineering strategies, I have also led the creation of the National Covid Cohort Collaborative (N3C), the largest national publically available harmonized HIPAA-limited dataset in US history. The N3C was created as part of the Center for Data to Health that I direct, which aims to coordinate clinical informatics across 60 US academic medical centers. I also lead and participate in a variety of international standards organizations to support improved data sharing and utility worldwide. Finally, I am a dedicated mentor and focus on the creation and health of diverse teams to advance societal challenges.
Community organizer Data Analyst Information technologist Researcher
Roles I’m interested in
Blogger Innovator