Nicolas Matentzoglu
Kos, South Aegean, Greece
“Being a catalyst for others to be innovative by providing FAIR and Open Data and Standards.”
I am an independent contractor with extensive experience in Semantic Web technologies (OWL, SPARQL, RDF) and Labelled Property Graphs (Cypher, Neo4j). After my PhD in semantic reasoning in 2015 I worked for two years as a post-doctoral researcher on industry-affiliated projects developing novel approaches around ontologies clinical applications. As a Senior Semantic Web Developer at EBI, I was the technical lead on various efforts such as the Monarch Initiative Ontology Working Group or the Phenotype Ontology reconciliation effort, contributing to dozens of ontology projects and knowledge graphs. I lead a number of open source software and data projects, for example, the Simple Standard for Sharing Ontology Mappings (SSSOM,, the Ontology Development Kit (ODK, and various ontologies, such as the Unified Phenotype Ontology (uPheno, and the Biological Trait Ontology (OBA, I am a member of the Open Biological and Biomedical Ontology (OBO) Operations committee and responsible for quality testing ( and metadata curation in the OBO Technical Working Group.
Data Analyst Information technologist Software Developer
“Being a catalyst for others to be innovative by providing FAIR and Open Data and Standards.”
I am an independent contractor with extensive experience in Semantic Web technologies (OWL, SPARQL, RDF) and Labelled Property Graphs (Cypher, Neo4j). After my PhD in semantic reasoning in 2015 I worked for two years as a post-doctoral researcher on industry-affiliated projects developing novel approaches around ontologies clinical applications. As a Senior Semantic Web Developer at EBI, I was the technical lead on various efforts such as the Monarch Initiative Ontology Working Group or the Phenotype Ontology reconciliation effort, contributing to dozens of ontology projects and knowledge graphs. I lead a number of open source software and data projects, for example, the Simple Standard for Sharing Ontology Mappings (SSSOM,, the Ontology Development Kit (ODK, and various ontologies, such as the Unified Phenotype Ontology (uPheno, and the Biological Trait Ontology (OBA, I am a member of the Open Biological and Biomedical Ontology (OBO) Operations committee and responsible for quality testing ( and metadata curation in the OBO Technical Working Group.
Data Analyst Information technologist Software Developer