Upcoming webinar: Connecting the Community Research Showcase - July 11, 2024, 9 a.m. PDT
Paolo Stefano Garofalo
May 1, 2001 - Dec. 27, 2002
Research Fellow at Institut für Geowissenschaften - Technical University of Leoben - Austria
Feb. 1, 1995 - Jan. 31, 1996
Research grant at “International Institute for Geothermal research” of CNR - Pisa - Italy
Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Date of birth: 24th March 1965 Nationality: Italian Marital status: married, two children Work Address: University of Bologna, Dept. of Biological and Geological Sciences, Piazza di Porta S. Donato, 1. I-40126 Bologna Work phone number: +39-051-2094942 Email: paolo.garofalo@unibo.it See also: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Paolo_Garofalo?ev=hdr_xprf Education 1996-2001 PhD in Natural Sciences: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Zurich – CH. (supervisor: prof. C. A. Heinrich) 1993-1994 MSc (Ore Geology): University of Wales - College of Cardiff - UK 1984-1990 First degree in Geological Sciences - Università di Firenze – Italy. Grade: 110/110
Educator/Teacher Researcher Writer/Editor
Date of birth: 24th March 1965 Nationality: Italian Marital status: married, two children Work Address: University of Bologna, Dept. of Biological and Geological Sciences, Piazza di Porta S. Donato, 1. I-40126 Bologna Work phone number: +39-051-2094942 Email: paolo.garofalo@unibo.it See also: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Paolo_Garofalo?ev=hdr_xprf Education 1996-2001 PhD in Natural Sciences: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Zurich – CH. (supervisor: prof. C. A. Heinrich) 1993-1994 MSc (Ore Geology): University of Wales - College of Cardiff - UK 1984-1990 First degree in Geological Sciences - Università di Firenze – Italy. Grade: 110/110
Educator/Teacher Researcher Writer/Editor