Roberto Lopez-Anido
Professor at University of Maine
Orono, Maine, United States
“Experimenting with engineering design, materials and processes with my students in my lab space...”
Roberto Lopez-Anido, the Malcolm G. Long ’32 Professor of Civil Engineering, is an internationally recognized University of Maine researcher known for his excellence in teaching and innovation in the use of composite materials for infrastructure applications. Lopez-Anido, a member of the UMaine community since 1998, has helped prepare and mentor a generation of Maine structural engineers while producing an impressive portfolio of scholarship and service. As a structural engineer, Lopez-Anido has a nearly 30-year career in design, mechanics modeling, material characterization and durability assessment of fiber-reinforced polymer composites for construction. He is a research leader in manufacturing thermoplastic composites, use of renewable and recyclable materials in construction, and in modeling and design of large-scale 3D-printed structures — work that has led to millions of dollars in external research funding, including a National Science Foundation CAREER Award, seven patents, and nearly 200 journal articles and conference publications. He also received the prestigious Fulbright Scholar award as visiting professor at the University of Chile. His work has been cited more than 3,200 times in the literature. Dr. Lopez-Anido has been named the 2023 Distinguished Maine Professor, the university’s most prestigious faculty award.
Roles I’m interested in
HeroXpert Innovator
“Experimenting with engineering design, materials and processes with my students in my lab space...”
Roberto Lopez-Anido, the Malcolm G. Long ’32 Professor of Civil Engineering, is an internationally recognized University of Maine researcher known for his excellence in teaching and innovation in the use of composite materials for infrastructure applications. Lopez-Anido, a member of the UMaine community since 1998, has helped prepare and mentor a generation of Maine structural engineers while producing an impressive portfolio of scholarship and service. As a structural engineer, Lopez-Anido has a nearly 30-year career in design, mechanics modeling, material characterization and durability assessment of fiber-reinforced polymer composites for construction. He is a research leader in manufacturing thermoplastic composites, use of renewable and recyclable materials in construction, and in modeling and design of large-scale 3D-printed structures — work that has led to millions of dollars in external research funding, including a National Science Foundation CAREER Award, seven patents, and nearly 200 journal articles and conference publications. He also received the prestigious Fulbright Scholar award as visiting professor at the University of Chile. His work has been cited more than 3,200 times in the literature. Dr. Lopez-Anido has been named the 2023 Distinguished Maine Professor, the university’s most prestigious faculty award.
Roles I’m interested in
HeroXpert Innovator