Steve Thomas
Schulter, Oklahoma, United States
“Seeing the pattern. Once you know the pattern you can modify it to be beneficial in other ways.”
Hesci! My name is Steve Thomas and I am a citizen of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. I am 47, and attend College of the Muskogee Nation. As a student, I am earning my AA in Native American Studies: Muscogee Language Teaching. I serve as Vice President of the student organization Tribal Leadership Circle and am the oldest member of Raven Epsorts team. At home I am a husband and father of 2. My youngest is in his junior year at Schulter Public High School while concurrently attending CMN's 2 year General Education program. In the community I am the owner/operator of NDN Gutter LLC, a seamless gutter installation company that serves the Muscogee territory. My wife and I have also partnered together to build a small scale farm and market serving the community with fresh locally produced goods with a focus on traditional values.
Roles I’m interested in
“Seeing the pattern. Once you know the pattern you can modify it to be beneficial in other ways.”
Hesci! My name is Steve Thomas and I am a citizen of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. I am 47, and attend College of the Muskogee Nation. As a student, I am earning my AA in Native American Studies: Muscogee Language Teaching. I serve as Vice President of the student organization Tribal Leadership Circle and am the oldest member of Raven Epsorts team. At home I am a husband and father of 2. My youngest is in his junior year at Schulter Public High School while concurrently attending CMN's 2 year General Education program. In the community I am the owner/operator of NDN Gutter LLC, a seamless gutter installation company that serves the Muscogee territory. My wife and I have also partnered together to build a small scale farm and market serving the community with fresh locally produced goods with a focus on traditional values.
Roles I’m interested in
CMN Extension's team CMN Extension's team
4 team members
Looking for members
Ekvnv Hoporenkv: Clean Energy for Food Sovereignty
Our project will install solar panels to automate our greenhouse and power irrigation for our traditional Three Sisters Garden.
by CMN Extension's team