Vong Chau
CTO at Quiet Professionals LLC
Tampa, Florida, United States
“The challenge to solve unique and complex problems that drive humanity forward.”
My name is Vong Chau. I am a Technology and Cyber Security Professional supporting the Defense Industry for intelligence, cyber, and data operations. My experience dives deep into Cloud Computing, GIS, Data operations, and AI implementation. I have served many different roles including Cyber Security Engineer, IT Director, and Chief Technology Officer for Quiet Professionals LLC. I love solving unique and complex problems by using technology. Driving our community and nation forward is my objective.
Athlete Engineer Information technologist
“The challenge to solve unique and complex problems that drive humanity forward.”
My name is Vong Chau. I am a Technology and Cyber Security Professional supporting the Defense Industry for intelligence, cyber, and data operations. My experience dives deep into Cloud Computing, GIS, Data operations, and AI implementation. I have served many different roles including Cyber Security Engineer, IT Director, and Chief Technology Officer for Quiet Professionals LLC. I love solving unique and complex problems by using technology. Driving our community and nation forward is my objective.
Athlete Engineer Information technologist