
DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer



Propose and build apps that advance DC in the areas of city mobility and the environment through the use of gigabit-speed internet.

This challenge is closed


This challenge is closed



The Pitch

The DC Office of the Chief Technology Office (OCTO) invites area application developers and entrepreneurs to compete in the Gigabit DC Challenge (GigabitDCx). DC seeks next-generation, high-performance applications that advance opportunity and solutions in the focus areas of city mobility and the environment.

GigabitDCx is a two-phased, reverse pitch competition in which competitors will submit proposals to develop and demonstrate gigabit app solutions in the described focus areas. In phase two, semi-finalists will advance their concepts and build prototypes of proposed solutions for a chance to receive one of two final awards. 

  • Phase 1: Up to six (6) finalists will be invited to advanced to phase 2.
  • Phase 2: Up to two (2) awardees splitting $34,000 in award funds.

Competitors will have access to mentors and subject matter experts to advise and answer questions throughout the process. Proposals can focus on one or both challenge areas. 


What is a Gigabit Application?

With the emergence of gigabit services to the home and 5G wireless networks, capabilities enabled by such speed will rapidly become more main-stream. A next-generation or “gigabit” application is a high-performance application that leverage the power of gigabit-speed networks to address real-world challenges. Gigabit applications often rely on complex interactions of Internet of Things/cyber-physical systems and local cloud computing to enable the efficient processing of big data and low-latency response time.  

City Mobility Solutions

Mobility is the lifeblood of every city and has a direct link to factors such as quality of life, economic development and prosperity, as well as, equity and inclusion. For mobility in the District to be successful, it must be high-performing, resilient, and accessible.  How then, can gigabit technologies enhance the way we move people and inform intelligent decisions in mobility and streetscape planning?

Example solutions may include:

  • Traffic Safety
    Solutions that make District streets safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers, including capabilities such as incident recognition and alerting systems for any form of mobility (in line with DC Vision Zero goals).
  • Traffic Management
    Solutions providing visibility, understanding, and alerting of traffic abnormalities—such as unexpected traffic congestion or an unusual amount of foot traffic in a section of the city—that require immediate city agency response.
  • Promoting Multi-Modal Options
    Solutions providing visibility of modal options to residents, commuters, and visitors, especially more environmentally friendly options (walking, biking, public transit, etc.).


Environmental Solutions

The District of Columbia is committed to improve and protect the natural resources of the city as well as residents’ and visitors’ health and safety. The District seeks innovative and inclusive gigabit solutions that enhance its ability to reach the goals of Sustainable DC, Climate Ready DCClean Energy DC, and the District’s Resilient DC initiative.

Example solutions may include:

  • Air Quality Sensing
    Solutions providing actionable insights using urban air quality data; enhanced enforcement capabilities of air quality regulations; or alert systems that better inform residents and visitors on health-related air quality factors.
  • Water Quantity and Quality Sensing
    Solutions providing monitoring, measuring, and alerting on District waterways. This capability could help inform District environmental, planning, and public safety response agencies with real-time information such as water quality and rising levels (especially in flood plain areas).
  • Smart Building Sensing
    Solutions enhancing building energy and other efficiencies in support of the District's Clean Energy plan and the mission of BuildSmart DC.
  • Smart Waste Diversion 
    In an effort to advance the goals of Zero Waste DC and the Office of the Clean City, solutions could enable residents and visitors to quickly locate waste, compost and recycling options based on location through gamification and reward incentives.

Inclusion Matters

Through GigabitDCx, OCTO seeks to foster the growth of DC’s technology innovation community and strengthen DC as a smart city. However, success isn’t just measured in how we leverage gigabit technology, but in how we use technology to support an inclusive environment that makes the lives of everyone in DC better and ensures no one is left behind.


Support the Challenge

  • Share the challenge on social media with your friends, your family, or anyone you know who has a passion for innovation.
  • Click "Follow the Challenge" to recieve status updates.
  • Submit an idea! Click "Accept the Challenge" to register to enter.


GigabitDCx is led by the District’s Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) in coordination with the SmarterDC initiative. Award funding is made available through DC’s partnership with US Ignite, a nation-wide nonprofit focused on spurring the creation of next-generation applications and services that leverage advanced networking technologies to build the foundation for smart communities around the country and world.  Developer resources and space is made possible by WeWork Labs, a host partner for GigabitDCx. StateScoop is the official media partner for GigabitDCx.


WeWork Labs

WeWork Labs provides the community, education, connections, and mentorship needed to help anyone take the startup path and grow. Through participation in GigabitDCx, challengers (individuals and teams) that are selected for the second phase of prototype development are invited to experience the WeWork Labs community with a free-month hot desk pass and select startup events provided by WeWork at the 80 M Street NE location. Awardees of the second phase will also enjoy a 25% discount on any WeWork Labs or physical office membership to WeWork at 80 M St SE up to three months in length.


Subject Matter Experts

Subject Matter Experts (SME) from District agencies and others involved with the challenge will be available to help guide developers and teams toward effective and innovative Gigabit solutions.

The District will host two in-person/webcast Question & Answer Check-in sessions to give participating teams the opportunity to ask subject matter experts from the following District agencies and partners for guidance.

  • District Department of Transportation (DDOT)
  • Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE)
  • DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO)
  • University Representatives


Industry partners bring a wealth of knowledge and mentorship resources that can help participants in the development of solutions. Resources to competitors may include the following:

  • Team matchmaking - help finding experts to develop your idea or match your tech skills with the idea in limbo. Post a request on the team matchmaking section of the community page.
  • Developer tools and aids
  • Development platforms
  • Best practice guidance
  • LLC and 501 c(3) formation guidance

Judging Criteria Guidance

In general, the judges will consider the following qualifying criteria in reviewing solutions:

  1. Technical soundness and design
  2. Innovative approach and weight of impact
  3. Cost to prototype and potential ROI
  4. Team capability
  5. Inclusion and accessibility

Example criteria definitions are outlined below. Please refer to the judging criteria pages for official scoring. The highest score is 30 points (per phase), in the event of a tie, solutions that address both challenge areas in a meaningful way may be awarded 5 bonus points.

Alignment with Challenge Area(s) and Impact

  • Does the proposed solution address city mobility and/or the environment challenge area needs and related District goals (such as Vision Zero, Resilient DC) in a relevant and effective way?
  • Does the proposed solution make a meaningful positive impact on the District community?

Technical Description: How Will it Work? 

  • What are the components of the solution, how do they interact and how does it work? Include up to two schematic diagrams or other images that express this.
  • What makes this a next-generation, gigabit solution? (How does it leverage advance network capabilities? (i.e., low-latency/real-time response, cyber-physical/IoT system, edge processing, big data processing…)
  • What cyber-physical elements does it need?
  • What data will it use/generate and to what end? If it relies on existing data, where is this data and how would you get it?

Financial viability and potential ROI

  • Is there a larger market for the proposed solution outside of the District of Columbia?
  • What are the potential cost saving factors as well as financial impacts for the District?
  • How likely is it that the proposed solution is developed and deployed? Consider the scope of the proposed project compared to the resources available.

Team Capability

  • Are the team’s skillsets and resilience sufficient to successfully develop a deployable version of their proposed solution?

Digital Inclusion and Accessibility

  • A Smart Gigabit Community includes leveraging accessible technology to support an inclusive environment that makes the lives of everyone in the District of Columbia better and ensures no one is left behind.
  • Is the solution being developed or adapted to include diversity of language, culture, age and literacy? Is the solution being developed or adapted to promote accessibility and include disability accommodations? Is the solution accessible on affordable devices?


Terms and Conditions 

GigabitDCx is hosted by the Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO), an agency within the District of Columbia Government, in partnership with US Ignite. To participate in this competition (“Challenge”), you must first acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to the following Terms and Conditions: 

1.     Submissions shall be from an individual or a team affiliated with a US-based, non-profit organization (including educational institutions) or for-profit organization.

  • If you are submitting as an individual, you must be age 18 or older at the time of entry and a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the U.S. or its territories.
  • If you are submitting as a team, and one or more team members is under 18, at least one team member must be age 18 or older at the time of entry and a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the U.S. or its territories. This team member will serve as the “team sponsor” and will take responsibility for the team output and any legal agreements.

2.     Employees of the District of Columbia Government are not eligible to compete in GigabitDCx.  This exclusion shall not apply to employees of educational institutions of the District of Columbia Government serving in advisory capacities.

3.     Upon request, you agree to provide OCTO at least one written and/or video testimonial about the GigabitDCx and participate in at least one promotional activity associated with the District of Columbia’s Smart City initiative.

4.     By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you affirm that, to your knowledge, there are no intellectual property or patent infringement violations associated with the business operation and application you are pitching in GigabitDCx.

5.     If your application is selected as an awardee,

  • The District of Columbia Government shall be granted a perpetual, non-exclusive, and irrevocable license to beta-test your solution, to the extent the District of Columbia deems reasonable and pending feasibility to District Government agencies.
  • You shall submit proof that the award is being used solely for expenses related to the development of the application that was pitched in the form of receipts, invoices, and/or other documentation for such expenses, in accordance with timelines established by the District of Columbia.
  • You shall submit all documentation necessary to receive the award as deemed by the District of Columbia, including but not limited to a Sub-recipient Sub-Award Agreement.

6.     The distribution of any financial or in-kind award is at the sole discretion of the District of Columbia.  The District of Columbia has discretion to modify award amounts or to not award funds.

7.     If the District of Columbia discovers that you have violated these Terms and Conditions, the District reserves the right to refuse to disburse any remaining funds and demand the return of funds previously disbursed to the awardee.

8.     Any beta-testing of the application by the District of Columbia shall not be construed as a partnership, joint venture, or other commercial or employment relationship with the District of Columbia.

9.     These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the District of Columbia, without reference to choice of law.



You agree to indemnify and hold the District of Columbia, its affiliates, officers, employees, and agents (collectively, the “Parties”) harmless from any losses, costs, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) relating to or arising out of: (a) your Content; (b) your participation in any Challenge ; (c) any dispute between you and another User; (d) your use of, or inability to use, the HeroX Platform; (e) your violation of the Terms and Conditions, or HeroX Terms of Use; (f) your violation of any rights of another party, including any Users; or (g) your violation of any applicable laws, rules or regulations. You agree that the provisions in this section will survive any termination of your participation in the Challenge.




Challenge Updates

Road Vision by George Washington University’s Transportation Team Wins $25,000 in Start-up and Research Funds

Feb. 12, 2019, 12:45 p.m. PST by DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer

Bowser Administration Announces the Winners of GigabitDCx
Road Vision by George Washington University’s Transportation
Team Wins $25,000 in Start-up and Research Funds


Washington, DC – The Bowser Administration and Acting Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Lindsey Parker have announced George Washington University’s (GWU) Transportation Team winners of GigabitDCx, a public innovation competition that challenged the tech community to test inventive ideas to confront two of the toughest problem’s cities face today: traffic and a changing climate.

“GigabitDCx is a great example of how simply providing the space and opportunity to share ideas and creativity can lead to big improvements,” said Parker. “We are thrilled to have been able to partner with US Ignite to not only offer an innovation award, but also the opportunity to work with so many diverse, talented entrepreneurs on a common goal for the betterment of the District.”

GWU’s Transportation Team was selected as a winner for its innovative approach to analyzing video feeds from different sources into traffic mobility and safety information. Their solution,Road Vision, uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods to translate video feeds into traffic mobility and safety information (traffic counts, speeds). This data will be utilized by transportation decision makers for congestion mitigation and safety planning.

“Data collection is often time consuming and expensive, but it’s critical in meeting Mayor Bowser’s goals for Vision Zero,” said District Department of Transportation Director Jeff Marootian. “Count technologies like Road Vision that include pedestrians, cyclists, scooters, and vehicles offer a unique chance to address these issues by allowing the public to contribute to data collection and sharing the results publicly.”

The crowdsourced data from Road Vision can supplement government data collection and the shared results provide transparency for the public and policymakers, as well as an incentive for the public to contribute. Lastly, the resulting data can be disseminated in real-time to roadway users, supplementing other traffic data sources, to help users make better route decisions.

GWU’s Transportation Team is led by Professor Samer H. Hamdar, Ph.D., and includes: Claire E. Silverstein Ph.D. Student Researcher, Deng Pan PhD Student/Graduate Fellow, and Amir Farrahi, PMP Part-Time PhD Student, all with the George Washington University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Mark Sussman and Daniel Shep of Washington, DC, received Honorable Mention with their How’s My Driving? application and will receive an award of $9,000.

The next public innovation challenge is scheduled to begin in the Spring, with a new focus area ofpublic health and public safety.Follow this and all upcoming challenges at:


About GigabitDCx

Launched October 13, 2018, GigabitDCx attracted over 116 innovators and received 21 submissions. Teams competed to split up to $34,000 in award funds provided by US Ignite and DC’s participation in the Smart Gigabit Communities. The GWU Transportation Team will also have the opportunity to work with the District of Columbia Government to beta-test their solution.

About US Ignite

US Ignite, Inc. is a non‐profit organization accelerating the smart city movement by guiding communities into the connected future, creating a path for private sector growth, and advancing technology research that’s at the heart of smart city development. Learn more.

Winners to be announced Wednesday, February 13

Feb. 8, 2019, 7:15 a.m. PST by DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer

Thank you all for following and participating in GigabitDCx.

Due to some additional background and research needed on solutions the winner announcement has been moved to next week, Wednesday February 13. 

We thank you for your patience during this time.

All the best,

OCTO Communications.

Announcing the Phase 1 Semi Finalists!

Nov. 19, 2018, 2:16 p.m. PST by DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer

We are so excited to to announce the six semifinalists who will advance to phase 2 in the Gigabit DC Challenge.

The semi-finalists selected are:

  • Mark Sussman and Daniel Schep for How’s My Driving DC? Mobile App, a crowdsourcing solution for pinpointing DC’s most habitually dangerous drivers. (Washington, DC)
  • George Washington University’s Transportation Team for Road Vision, Keeping an Eye on Traffic, an information sharing app that translates video feeds from different sources into traffic mobility and safety information. (Washington, DC)
  • Kenneth Walton’s Corner BOI (Curbside Public Health), a patient navigator that fosters empowerment, informs and enhance the ability of patients to make decisions that lead to better medical care. (Washington, DC)
  • Dorin Munteanu and Radu Motisan with uRADMonitor, and their real-time Environmental Monitoring Network aimed at collecting and storing urban air quality data through a modern, cost effective and easy to deploy technology. (Washington, DC)
  • Sunny Sanwar’s Team (Dynamhex) created a Data-layer for Inclusive Climate Goals & Progress, on top of which smart-city visualization platforms are created. Using machine learning, it empowers stakeholders to inclusively and affordably meet the DC Climate & Energy Action Plan. (Kansas)
  • Andrew Kamal and his Underwater Wireless Sensory Network that can track information about our waterways with a noiseless signal. (Michigan)

Semi-finalists will now advance their concepts and build prototypes of their proposed solutions for a chance to receive or split up to $34,000 in award funds.  Semifinalists will also demonstrate their solutions live in front of the judges, District leaders and the general public 6pm Wednesday, January 30, 2019.

Phase 1 Deadline - Congratulations for Submitting!

Nov. 12, 2018, 2:57 p.m. PST by DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer

Hello GigabitDCx competitors!

We want to take this opportunity to thank you for submitting your innovations to our challenge!

We also wanted to ensure that you’re aware of these forthcoming events:


Our evaluation panel will be go over all of the submissions and evaluating them beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, November 13.

Submissions will first be reviewed for eligibility, then the judges will score. If you are chosen as a semi-finalist to move on to phase 2, we will contact you prior to public announcement. 

The semi-finalist submissions will be announced next week and email notifications to all of you. If for any reason we need more time to judge due to complexity of entires, or requests from the evaluation panel, we will update you on the HeroX platform.

Please note: As of the submission deadline, no further changes can be made to your submissions.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask us directly or leave a comment on the Forum of our crowdsourcing page.

Warm regards,

The DC Office of Chief Technology Officer

Have plans this weekend? Don't forget to submit.

Nov. 9, 2018, 7:05 a.m. PST by DC Office of the Chief Technology Officer

It's not too late! There are just 3 more days to submit your innovative ideas for GigabitDCx. All submissions must be submitted by 5pm ET on Monday November 12, 2018.

In order for your entry to be eligible, your submission must meet the requirements outlined on our crowdsourcing page.

View the How to Submit your entry video at the following link:

We are excited to review all of your amazing ideas!

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Road Vision Road Vision
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1 team member
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Alexis Vabre's team Alexis Vabre's team
1 team member
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MoCo Makers MoCo Makers
1 team member
Looking for members
Mark Sussman's team Mark Sussman's team
1 team member
Looking for members
Andrew Kamal's team Andrew Kamal's team
1 team member
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Sustainability Team Sustainability Team
1 team member
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Jean Remy Asimoa's team Jean Remy Asimoa's team
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1 team member
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1 team member
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1 team member
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Clearly Innovative Inc Clearly Innovative Inc
1 team member
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LifeTagger LifeTagger
2 team members
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No Texting in Intersections No Texting in Intersections
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uRADMonitor/ Environmental Monitoring Network uRADMonitor/ Environmental Monitoring Network
4 team members
Looking for members
Sunny Sanwar's team Sunny Sanwar's team
3 team members
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Ridho Kusuma's team Ridho Kusuma's team
1 team member
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Jason Zhu's Team Jason Zhu's Team
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Karthik's team Karthik's team
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Looking for members
Robin Rowe's team Robin Rowe's team
1 team member
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