Thank you for being a part of the GoAERO Community!

Here are a few important reminders and resources: 

Updated GoAERO Guidelines webinar

All Teams should review the UPDATED Technical Rules webinar we hosted on April 4, 2024. It is an important resource that provides an in-depth review of the rules and requirements for the competition and includes a lengthy Q&A. We encourage you to watch it.

Intellectual Property

A reminder that Teams will keep all of their Intellectual Property, except that Teams will grant limited media rights to GoAERO so that GoAERO can publicize and promote the Competition and the Teams.

Introduce your GoAERO Team to the World

We want to share your story with the GoAERO community and beyond. Complete this form and tell us about your Team and your motivations to participate in GoAERO.

Expert Lectures

Recordings of our Expert Lectures are posted on We encourage you to utilize them as resources as you work on your Stage 1 submission and develop your aircraft. Upcoming Expert Lectures are announced regularly and can be found in the Updates section. 

Request a Mentor

GoAERO is committed to supporting registered Teams as you develop your aircraft. With access to some of the foremost experts in the fields of aviation, VTOL, rotorcraft, batteries and more, we can match you with an appropriate mentor to provide advice and feedback. You must be a REGISTERED Team with GoAERO in order to be matched with a mentor. To request a mentor, complete the form, with clear and specific details.. 

Add Team Members 

All Team members must be registered on the platform and then added to your Team. Utilize the “Join a Team” function on the website and complete the required steps. You can add and remove Team members as and when changes are required. You can see the other Teams around the world participating in the competition on the website as well.

Submission Form, Judging Criteria, and other Resources

A downloadable version of the Stage 1 Submission Form is available so that you can work offline; just remember that all submissions must be made via the platform only. You will also find the Judging Criteria for Stage 1 here as well, along with other useful resources about “Alex” the manikin and from the FAA. 

GoAERO Forum

Utilize the forum to interact with other Teams, post your questions, and seek feedback. There have already been many discussion threads that may be useful to you as you develop your submission. 

The Stage 1 submission deadline is December 11, 2024. We are here to support you, so please do not hesitate to reach out to us at with any questions. We look forward to learning more about the emergency response aircrafts you are creating and how they will save lives!