

Ansan H2 Demonstration city, Korea.
short description
For convert urban energy source to clean hydrogen, hydrogen production-piping-fuel cell/charging station infrastructure is being installed.
This Application form should be submitted only if a city would like to self-identify on the H2 Twin Cities website to solicit interest in potential partners for the Phase 2 application. If cities already have partnerships formed, they may proceed to the Phase 2 Application.
State which category you are interested in applying for:
Category 1: Sibling H2 Twin Cities Application
General City Information
South Korea
Lead Representative
i. Name: Lee leug-man
ii. Title: Team leader of hydrogen energy T/F
iii. Mailing Address: Energy Policy Division, 839 Jungang-daero, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si
iv. Email Address:
v. Phone Number: 082-31-481-3267
Population of City
Ansan City has a population of 717,000 and belongs to Gyeonggi Province and is close to Seoul. (Population of Seoul Megaloplis is about 20 milion)
H2 Twin City Pairing Information
What participation role(s) is your city interested in?
c. Sibling (Will undergo cooperative development on similar projects)
What sectors are you most interested in? Prioritize by inserting a numerical value from 1 to 4 (or 5) with 1 being the highest priority.
1 - e (Green/blue hydrogen production)
2 - d
3 - a
4 - b
5 - c
General H2 Sector Background Information
Hydrogen Production - How much hydrogen is currently produced in your city and what are your plans for increasing hydrogen production within the next five years?
Current Phase
- Methanol SMR : 2,500Nm3/hr ( 6,000kg/day )
- Methan SMR : 900Nm3/hr (1,800kg/day )
- Electrolysis : 200Nm3/hr ( 250kg/day )
Future Plan
- Electrolysis : 20,000Nm3/hr (30,000kg/day )
Hydrogen Consumption - How much hydrogen is currently consumed in your city and what are your plans for increasing hydrogen consumption within the next five years?
Current Phase
- Industrial : 3,000kg/day (metal, electronics)
- transportation : 2,300kg/day
- Fuel Cell cogeneration : 1,400kg/day
Future Plan
- transportation : 5,000kg/day
Hydrogen Production - What energy resources/feedstocks are present locally that could be used to produce hydrogen today?
a. Solar
b. Wind
g. Fossil with CCS
Hydrogen Production - Which resources/feedstocks do you plan to focus on within the next five years?
a. Solar
h. Other
Hydrogen Infrastructure - What existing hydrogen infrastructure is present in your city and in which areas will you increase deployment in the next five years?
b. Hydrogen production facilities (e.g., electrolyzers)
c. Hydrogen pipelines
If you answered "Other" above, please specify here.
tidal power generation( Si-wha tidal power - world largest tidal plant )
Hydrogen End-Use - What sectors currently consume hydrogen in your city?
a. Transportation
Provide any other information to be shared publicly that may be of value in being selected as a potential twin city.
Ansan has a vision of 'A city leading the clean hydrogen energy system'
1. National indudstrial park (one of the largest industrial complex in Korea)
- There are many materials, parts, and equipment companies such as metal processing essential for hydrogen industry.
- Hydrogen production company and 20km hydrogen pipelines are installed already.
2. Best place for Renewable Energy supply
- The world's largest tidal power plant (SiWha Lake, 254MW)
- Plan for 1GW renewable projects such as offshore wind power and floating solar power
3. Optimal location for H2 infrastructure
- Green hydrogen production using renewable energy, hydrogen supply using pipelines
- Consumption of public transit H2 bus/tram, Fuel Cell cogeneration for the residential sector and nearby Megalopolis(Seoul) with a population of 20Million.

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