

H2 from local waste water to fuel local fleet
short description
H2 extracted at our local waste water plant could be used to power local heavy/fast response fleet if supply chains and costs align.
This Application form should be submitted only if a city would like to self-identify on the H2 Twin Cities website to solicit interest in potential partners for the Phase 2 application. If cities already have partnerships formed, they may proceed to the Phase 2 Application.
State which category you are interested in applying for:
Category 2: Mentor-Mentee H2 Twin Cities Application
General City Information
Wales - United Kingdom
Lead Representative
i. Name: Gareth Harcombe
ii. Title: Energy & Sustainability Manager
iii. Mailing Address: City of Cardiff Council, County Hall, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff CF10 4UW
iv. Email Address:
v. Phone Number: 07870400918
Population of City
H2 Twin City Pairing Information
What participation role(s) is your city interested in?
c. Sibling (Will undergo cooperative development on similar projects)
What sectors are you most interested in? Prioritize by inserting a numerical value from 1 to 4 (or 5) with 1 being the highest priority.
a. [ 1] Transportation (vehicles [e.g., buses, trucks], rail, maritime, aviation, other)
b. [ ] Industrial (e.g., steel, ammonia, cement, renewable/synthetic fuels, other)
c. [ ] Electric grid integration (e.g., energy storage, power generation, blending, other)
d. [2 ] Workforce development and equity/energy and environmental justice, diversity, and
inclusion (e.g., stakeholder engagement, outreach and information development, value
proposition, personnel exchanges, other)
e. [ 3] Other—please specify __Local H2 production as a by-product of Waste Water Treatment operations
General H2 Sector Background Information
Hydrogen Production - How much hydrogen is currently produced in your city and what are your plans for increasing hydrogen production within the next five years?
None presently but a proposal at the local waste water treatment works could see 2000kg production H2 per day
Hydrogen Consumption - How much hydrogen is currently consumed in your city and what are your plans for increasing hydrogen consumption within the next five years?
Consumption not known at present but likely to be minimal. However the Welsh Government is developing a regional Hydrogen strategy around both local production and consumption and has an aspiration to deliver a small Hydrogen busses fleet within the next 5 years. The local gas supplier also has plans to inject/mix H2 into the gas distribution network in the city within 15 years.
Hydrogen Production - What energy resources/feedstocks are present locally that could be used to produce hydrogen today?
a. Solar
c. Hydro
e. Biomass and waste
h. Other
Hydrogen Production - Which resources/feedstocks do you plan to focus on within the next five years?
a. Solar
b. Wind
c. Hydro
e. Biomass and waste
h. Other
Hydrogen Infrastructure - What existing hydrogen infrastructure is present in your city and in which areas will you increase deployment in the next five years?
a. Refueling stations
b. Hydrogen production facilities (e.g., electrolyzers)
f. Hydrogen distribution trucks
Hydrogen End-Use - What sectors currently consume hydrogen in your city?
d. Other- please specify below
If you answered "Other" above, please specify here.
not known at present
Provide any other information to be shared publicly that may be of value in being selected as a potential twin city.
• The local Water company (Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water) has identified an opportunity to extract clean Hydrogen from their waste water treatment process at Rover Way in Cardiff.
• This has potential for 2000kg production H2 per day (enough to fuel 100 buses or equivalent).
• They need to identify a viable off-taker for the hydrogen to justify any investment.
• The City of Cardiff Council are active in decarbonising their fleet using EV’s but there are some constraints (in particular with heavy vehicles, longer distance journeys, and electricity supply for charging) for which Hydrogen might be a better solution.
• CCC commissioned a Hydrogen study (WG funded and conducted by Costain) which looked at supply and demand issues around hydrogen and hydrogen vehicles. In very broad summary, this identified:
o a strong appetite to pursue Hydrogen vehicle options amongst partners and consultees ( especially neighbouring local authorities, bus operators and the SW Police) , and
o A fundamental limitation in the supply chain for hydrogen vehicles, with high prices, low availability and few local/UK operators.
• We are now exploring ways to join these issues and aspirations together with a view to developing a local, low-carbon hydrogen economy:
o The collective interest of all the local public sector consultees represents a potentially large start-up market

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