
Canadian Health and Fitness Institute


The Healthy Selfie Challenge

Let's Get Canadians Moving Again! We are on a mission to make Canada the FITTEST nation on earth by 2030.

This challenge is closed

Judging Closed

This challenge is closed




Most of the demands in today's world encourage more and more sedentary behaviour... Meme'ing and streaming cultures alongside hectic work schedules and ever-evolving technologies all contribute to more time spent indoors and sitting down, and less time spent outside and upright. As a result, physical, mental, and spiritual health is deteriorating at an alarming rate. The Canadian Health and Fitness Institute (CHFI) is on a mission to reverse this trend! 


The Challenge

The Healthy Selfie Challenge invites you and other innovators to:

  • provide your proposal to reverse these trends and get Canadians more physically active;
  • profile your ingenuity on a world stage;
  • win a trip to Vancouver, BC to meet renowned advocates of health and fitness; and
  • join our network of champions who will together achieve CHFI’s Vision, to “Make Canada the Fittest Nation on Earth by 2030.”

How to Win

  • Click on "SOLVE THIS CHALLENGE"  above to sign up for the challenge 
  • Send us your Healthy Selfie video
  • Follow CHFI and HeroX and post your feed on Instagram and/or Facebook
  • Tag your friends in your post  and get them to like the video
  • Write us about what it means to be “healthy” and what is your idea to help CHFI fulfill its mission





The Healthy Selfie Challenge is divided into two phases.  Contestants who succeed in Phase 1 will be invited to participate in the second phase, described below.  Phase 1 of your Healthy Selfie requires 4 steps:

            1. follow CHFI, formerly NHFI, and HeroX on social media;

            2. provide a video that encourages healthy physical activity;

            3. submit a proposal to get Canadians more active for their physical, mental, and spiritual health; and

            4. comply with the Rules.  Submissions are due by 3pm PDT on August 31, 2020.

*Contestants who succeed in Phase 1 will be short-listed and eligible to participate in the Phase 2 Final Round.




Create your “Healthy Selfie” Video, recording yourself in some active routine.

Length: less than 5 minutes.

Content must include the following:

  • your name and country of residence;
  • explanation of your activity;
  • why you’re participating in this Challenge;
  • importance of CHFI’s Vision, to “Make Canada the Fittest Nation on Earth by 2030”; and
  • the words, “Make Canada the Fittest Nation on Earth by 2030”.


As a minimum, post to your feed on Facebook and/or Instagram.  If you are active on other social media platforms, we welcome you to post there as well.

Tag CHFI and HeroX:

            - Facebook: @nhfi.insap and @IamHeroX

            - Instagram: @canadianhfi and @BeHeroX

Tag your friends in your post and get them to like the video.

Upload your video to YouTube or Vimeo



Be sure to:

  • provide the YouTube or Vimeo link;
  • explain what it means to you to be “healthy”;
  • state what you think are the biggest contributors to a sedentary lifestyle;
  • relate solutions currently available to combat a sedentary lifestyle;
  • explain why you think these are not working;
  • tell us your proposal to increase physical activity and help CHFI fulfill its Vision

Registration and Submissions

Submissions must be made online (only), via upload to the website, on or before the Submission Deadline posted on the Timeline Tab. 

All uploads must be in PDF format. No late submissions will be accepted.

Submissions must be made in English. All challenge-related communication will be in English.  CHFI apologizes to Francophone participants - we are working to broaden our linguistic capacity.   



Up to 10 contestants will be short-listed from PHASE 1.  These Phase 1 winners will be invited to respond to the following questions:

  1. What is your solution to get Canadians active?
  2. What is the cause of sedentary behavior that your solution specifically addresses?
  3. Has this solution been deployed in other areas/countries before? Where?
  4. Why do you think your solution will work in Canada? Provide any supporting research available.
  5. What do you think are the critical characteristics to be included when designing a solution to get Canadians active?
  6. What do you think is the key differentiating factor of your solution from anything else that is available?
  7. What are the biggest risks/obstacles to your solution being successful?
  8. What would you use to measure the success of your solution? (what are the key success indicators)
  9. Imagine it is 2030 and your solution was a HUGE success, what does that Canada look like?
  10. What most excites you about seeing your solution in action?




The top 10 solvers will receive:

  • special recognition on the CHFI and HeroX sites and social media platforms; and
  • an invitation to proceed to Phase 2.

The First Place Phase 1 Contestant will receive:

  • two tickets to CFHI’s Celebrity Gala on October 15 or 22, 2020.  The event features a panel of celebrity health, fitness and sports champions; the awarding of CHFI’s Annual Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. Jack Taunton; wine and tapas, and a festive atmosphere at Mahony and Sons, one of Vancouver’s favourite restaurants.  Transportation to the event is not included;
  • accommodation in West Vancouver for two nights, valued at CAD$350; and
  • special recognition on the CHFI and HeroX sites and social media platforms.


The First Place Phase 2 Contestant will receive:

  • one round trip air fare within Canada to Vancouver, valued up to CAD$1,000 (if the winner of Phase 2 is not able to use the air ticket, there will either be an airline credit or cash reward offered);
  • accommodation in West Vancouver for two nights, valued at CAD$350;
  • lunch with Canada’s Father of Sports Medicine Dr. Jack Taunton, and other health and fitness champions, valued at CAD$250; and
  • special recognition on the CHFI and HeroX sites and social media platforms.


Evaluation Criteria

Phase 1:

All eligible submissions will be scored against the following criteria:

  • 40% : The idea has the potential to impact the lives of a large number of Canadians and scored based on a combination of the number of people impacted and the size of the effect.
  • 30% : How feasible is the idea? Feasibility will be evaluated based on ease of adoption for Canadians and any barriers to implementation (e.g., relies on technology that is not yet ready).
  • 20% : The idea or strategy is new or has not been successfully applied to Canadians.
  • 10% : The innovator's passion about making Canada the fittest nation on earth.

Phase 2

All eligible Phase 2 submissions will be scored against the following criteria:

  • 40% : The idea has the potential to impact the lives of a large number of Canadians and scored based on a combination of the number of people impacted and the size of the effect.
  • 30% : How feasible is the idea to implement? Feasibility will be evaluated based on ease of adoption for Canadians and any barriers to implementation (e.g., relies on technology that is not yet ready)
  • 20% : The idea or strategy is new or has not been successfully applied to Canadians.
  • 10% : The idea or strategy is well-reasoned and justified. Key assumptions are supported by research.

Video Requirements

All videos must meet the following requirements:

  • Length: Each video must be no longer than 5 minutes.
  • Camera: We do not expect you to hire a professional director! All smartphone cameras make pretty great selfie videos nowadays.
  • Orientation: All videos must be in Landscape mode (the one where it’s sideways!).
  • File Type: You will submit the video to HeroX as a .mov or a .mp4 file.


  • Only innovators who have submitted their media release to CHFI, should be in videos.
  • We welcome the participation of minors in the videos but require a parent or guardian to sign a waiver for any child shown
  • Be in line with HeroX Community Guidelines


BONUS: Tips for making your video AWESOME!

  • Get creative  - we would love to see the location that you associate with being healthy and active
  • Make sure you have attractive, bright lighting. We want to see who is talking!
  • Don’t stand too far from the phone or camera. We want to be able to see you.
  • Video recordings come out better when the subject is slightly below the camera. If holding the camera yourself (selfie mode) be sure to hold it slightly higher, then tilt your head upward.
  • Try to do your recording in an area where there is minimal chance for background disturbances like construction, busy roads, discos etc.


Participation Eligibility

The Healthy Selfie Challenge is open to individuals, age 18 or older, private teams, public teams, and collegiate teams.  No specific qualifications or expertise in the field of health and fitness is required. Prize organizers encourage outside individuals and non-expert teams to compete and propose new solutions.

To be eligible to compete, you must comply with all the terms of the challenge as defined in the Challenge-Specific Agreement, which will be made available upon registration.


Registration and Submissions

Submissions must be made online (only), via upload to the website, on or before the Submission Deadline posted on the Timeline Tab. 

All uploads must be in PDF format. No late submissions will be accepted.

Submissions must be made in English. All challenge-related communication will be in English.  CHFI apologizes to Francophone participants - we are working to broaden our linguistic capacity.   


Intellectual Property Rights

By participating in this Challenge, participants agree to share a license to the intellectual property contained in the Submission.  This allows both the contestant and CHFI independently to use the intellectual property.


Selection of Winners

Based on the winning criteria, prizes will be awarded according to the Evaluation Criteria section above. In the case of a tie, the winner(s) will be selected based on the highest votes from the Evaluators.


Evaluation Panel

The winners will be determined by a panel of judges selected by CHFI Board members and a group of health and fitness experts.  Scores and feedback will not be shared. 


Additional Rules

  • By participating in the Challenge, each competitor agrees to submit only her or his preliminary or secondary research. Any indication of "copying" amongst competitors is grounds for disqualification.
  • All applications will go through a process of due diligence.  Any application found to be deceiving or plagiarized will be automatically disqualified.
  • All ineligible applicants will be automatically removed from the competition with no recourse for damages.
  • No purchase or payment of any kind is necessary to enter or win the competition.
  • Any submissions will be rendered void if they are restricted or prohibited by law.

Challenge Updates

Don’t delay! Seven days until the submission deadline

Aug. 24, 2020, 9:17 a.m. PDT by Donna Weston

Only 1 week left until we need your submissions for the Healthy Selfie Challenge!

This message is to remind you to complete and finalize your submission before the deadline - Monday, August 31,  5pm PST. In order for your entry to be eligible, your submission must meet the requirements outlined in the Guidelines section.  

In case you need assistance, you can view a How-To video on completing your submission here.

Submit any questions you may have to the forum or to  


We can’t wait to see what you’ve developed!


The Healthy Selfie Team


Only 2 weeks until the deadline!

Aug. 17, 2020, 12:38 p.m. PDT by Donna Weston


Dear innovators,

There are only 2 weeks remaining in the Healthy Selfie Challenge!

Be sure to complete and finalize your submission before the deadline on Monday August 31, 2020 at 5pm PST. Your submission must be finalized before that time to be considered for the judging stage. Before you submit, double check to make sure your entry meets the requirements outlined in the


View a How-To video on completing your submission here.

As a reminder, if you have any questions regarding the competition, you can post it in the forum or by emailing us at

We look forward to receiving your innovative ideas!


Go Teams Go!

The Healthy Selfie Challenge Team



Three Weeks and Counting...

Aug. 10, 2020, 2:31 p.m. PDT by Donna Weston

You got this!  Don’t delay and make your submission soon.  

In order for your entry to be eligible, it must meet the requirements outlined in the guidelines section:  Be sure to double check these before submitting.

You can view a general How to Submit your entry video here.

We are excited to review all your amazing ideas!


Thank you and stay safe!

The Healthy Selfie Challenge Team


How Is It Going?

Aug. 3, 2020, 10:50 a.m. PDT by Donna Weston

During this unprecedented time of Covid-19 Pandemic, how are YOU doing?  

Perhaps YOUR story could help someone in their struggle to become a better version of themselves.    

Share your story  with us.  


The Healthy Selfie Challenge Team

Entries to our Healthy Selfie Challenge are coming in – Don’t be left behind!

July 27, 2020, 6:06 p.m. PDT by Donna Weston


We are just over 1 month away from our submission deadline for the Healthy Selfie Challenge.

If you’ve been thinking about proposing YOUR suggestion on how to get active during and after the pandemic, NOW’s the time to get going!  The deadline is 3 PM PST on August 31.   The HeroX platform is automated so your submission must be finalized before that date and time for it to be considered for the judging stage. 

In order for your entry to be eligible, your submission must meet the requirements outlined in the Guidelines section here

View a How-To video on completing your submission here.

If you have any questions regarding the competition, please don’t hesitate to ask us by leaving a comment in the forum here


If you encounter any technical issues with the HeroX platform, please contact HeroX support at
