
Guide: How to Find your Winner Certificate(s)

If a challenge sponsor has opted to award certificates to the winners, they will be automatically generated and displayed on the user's profile. Please note that at this time, if a certificate is generated for you, you will not receive an email notification. This guide will show you how to view, download and share your certificate(s).


  • Navigate to your HeroX profile. This can be done by clicking your user icon in the upper right corner and selecting User Profile from the menu.


  • Click on the Awards tab on your profile.


  • Scroll past any badges you may have earned and you'll see a Certificates section at the bottom.


When you hover over a certificate, you'll have the option to share it on a variety of social platforms or download it as a PDF. Only the user who the profile belongs to will be able to view this section. Other users will not have the ability to view or download your certificates.