
Global Innovation Exchange


Million Lives Club

Celebrating innovators and social entrepreneurs who are reaching new horizons of impact and improving the lives globally.
Access to funding


Who are we?

The Million Lives Club celebrates innovators and social entrepreneurs who are reaching new horizons of impact and improving the lives of those living on less than $5 a day.

If your innovation has benefitted 1,000,000 people or more, or if you are approaching this milestone, we want to hear from you! 

Your journey to scale and the support you received from different ecosystem partners will help inspire other innovators and social entrepreneurs around the world. The Million Lives Club also aims to help you attract additional resources to take your innovation to the next level of impact. 


Recognizing innovators at different stages of their scaling journeys 

Inspired by members of the International Development Innovation Alliance, the Million Lives Club (MLC) is made up of three cohorts of innovators and social entrepreneurs who are improving the lives of those living on less than $5 a day:


Why apply to the Million Lives Club?

Innovators and social entrepreneurs are encouraged to apply to the Million Lives Club. 

We would especially welcome innovations that are scaling or on their way to scale from the Global South!

Selected members will benefit from:


  • International profiling and celebration of your innovation and achievements through the press, partner communications materials, the Global Innovation Exchange platform and MLC-branded sessions at key stakeholder events
  • Greater visibility of (and potential support for) your innovation among country-level ecosystem partners, global investors and supporters associated with the MLC initiative
  • The opportunity to connect with other innovators and social entrepreneurs, sharing challenges and learning from each others’ scaling journeys as well as valuable capabilities, market insights and relationships

How are Million Lives Club members selected?

A panel of experts in development innovation from leading international funders have informed the design of the assessment process for the Million Lives Club. The goal is inclusivity not exclusivity - the MLC wants to celebrate your achievements! 

Become a partner of the Million Lives Club

The Million Lives Club is looking to grow a global community of partners committed to nurturing innovation ecosystems and helping innovators scale to reach the next level of impact. Get in touch with the Million Lives Club team to find out more about partnership opportunities.

