Hello Innovators,

The PLASTIKA REPARABILIS CHALLENGE is extending its timeline of Stage One for the third time, for the following reasons. We are STILL:

  • looking to increase the number of registered competitors and submissions
  • looking to increase the number of Supporters, Partners, Donors and Sponsors

We are changing the dates from the current submission deadline of October 20, 2019, by another 6 months to April 2020 and the prize awarding date from January 2020 to June 2020. 

We will continue to extend the timeline until that time when we are successful in reaching a manageable number of Innovators and the full amount of the Prize Monies, or enough prize money to award to Innovators for advancing from Stage One to Stage Two.

Please note that if there are any discrepancies in older messages or notifications or on other websites or web pages, the official timeline is the one that shows on the HeroX Platform Timeline page.

Please make sure to take note of the changes.

Thank you for your attention,
