Hey there present Innovators tackling this Challenge and future Innovators ready to take on the ShiraX Challenges! We have a very exciting update for you!
We know we've created a massive project here and that when we win Global Learning XPRIZE, the global impact on children around the world will be incredibly humbling and inspiring. We can't wait to see how it all plays out.
To further ensure a successful Challenge set and submission, we are currently breaking down this Challenge into a number of smaller sub-Challenges. This includes the Challenge's current items, which will either remain the same, or be expanded on. We are also adding in a number of additional items, to round out the Challenge.
You can still compete in this Challenge in its entirety, or elect to compete in one or more of the smaller sub-Challenges. This will make it easier for Innovators to pick and choose from a larger Challenge "buffet", as it were.
Watch for the revised Challenge set next week. We will also revise the overall Challenge timeline to allow for more coding time. If you have any questions, do get in touch.
Cheers and keep up the awesome coding!
Jason Bavington
Project Director