
Team Silent Speaking


Silent Speaking Challenge

Seeking an innovation that allows private conversations to take place in public spaces.

This challenge is closed


This challenge is closed

Why do you want to speak without being heard?


The Silent Speaking Challenges is looking for a sponsor! If you're interested in funding this challenge, contact the !

The Problem

With our ever-increasing freedom of location, spending a good part of the workday in a coffee shop or a local park has become more business-as-usual than ever before -- but at what price? Often, having a conversation at a normal speaking volume in a public space can be rather uncomfortable. Do you really want to pursue a topic that contains sensitive or proprietary information, surrounded by total strangers? Additionally, do total strangers want to be subjected to one side of an entire conversation that has nothing to do with them?


There's no question that mobile communication has revolutionized the way we interact, express ourselves, organize, and do business. Entire companies can be managed remotely, a top-notch workforce can collaborate across oceans and timezones, and we can access each other at the tap of a screen, just about 24/7 (for better or worse, some might say.) The urge to utilize our communication technology often clashes with the ability to do so in a safe and private way. In many cases, the innovations in phones and telecommuting have out-paced our ability to manage the social consequences.


The Challenge Breakthrough

Imagine developing a tool that allows anyone, anywhere, to speak at normal volume and not be heard beyond a three-foot radius. The majority of people on the planet use spoken communication for nearly every aspect of life, and it remains the most convenient, intuitive, and efficient way of capturing thought. The power of being able to integrate speech, technology, and privacy in nearly any space at any time could forever change the way we work and live. That's the breakthrough the Silent Speaking Challenge will create! 

What You Can Do Now




Challenge Updates

Do you want to sponsor the Silent Speaking Challenge?

Dec. 8, 2016, 11:22 p.m. PST by Kyla Jeffrey

The Silent Speaking Challenge is now looking for a new sponsor and it could be YOU!

If you're interested in being the hero funding this challenge, contact the to learn more!

Check out this wearable technology that could revolutionize communication for those with disabilities

April 23, 2016, noon PDT by Kyla Jeffrey

Dr. Thad Starner and his team at Georgia Tech have collaborated with Google Glass and Microsoft to design a technology that uses the movement of ear canals and the tongue to detect speach of those with disabilities. Right now, they can detect phrases such as "Give me my medicine, please" and "I need to use the bathroom." 

The team is also exploring consumer use of this wearable technology for speaking without being hear. Find out more about this cutting edge research!

$1K iPhone Case Offers High-Tech Privacy Protection

April 21, 2016, 4:59 p.m. PDT by Kyla Jeffrey

Check out the latest on the HeroX blog! Speech privacy is a multi-faceted problem that is truly "worth its weight in gold." Read about how a $1000 iphone case is helping to protect you from digital intrusion.

Innovative technologies are tackling privacy breaches over your electronic devices, but what about improving your privacy in public spaces? This is what the Silent Speaking Challenge aims to do.

Tell us why speech privacy is important to you -- what environments would you want to prevent eavesdroppers, how would you use this privacy superpower of speaking without being heard? Tell us by completing this poll and you could help craft the breakthrough that this challenge aims to solve!
