Hi everyone,
HeroX and the Stockholm Treaty Lab team wanted to send over a friendly reminder that the registration deadline is quickly coming up at the end of this month! Visit the Timeline tab here to get the exact date and time for your location.
Also, this intended to be a team collaboration challenge so we strongly encourage you to create a team, invite others to join it and submit your model treaty together. If you are unsure on how to form a team, there's a How To guide located here: https://herox.com/help/126-guide-how-to-form-a-herox-team. You can also look for people to join your team by posting in the Forum here.
- Please note: you will not need to have all of your team members finalized by the registration deadline. You can continue to seek out additonal team members up until the submission deadline.
Lastly, the Stockholm Treaty Lab team has recently updated the Guidelines tab with some additional details regarding the prize. Here is that updated text: the winning team will be given the opportunity to present its model treaty at a United Nations General Assembly side event in 2018 (more information will be published soon).
If you have any questions, you can reach out to the HeroX team directly by emailing
Have a wonderful day!