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Food and Agriculture Market Information System
short description
FAMIS is a mobile-based market information system designed to facilitate market monitoring and reporting.
About the Team
Full Name(s)
Yahia Mohamed Awad Elkareem
Nawal Sid Ahmed Zain Alabdeen
Ahmed Mohamed Ali Shibrain
Abd Alraheem Husein Norein
Field monitor coordinator - FEWS NET - Sudan
FAMIS Senior cross checker - Food Security Technical Secertaiate
Contact information for each team member - +249912311973 +249912874988 +249912666559 +249901235196
Chemonics RBU / Division
East and Southern Africa
Affiliated Technical Practices/Department
Agriculture and Food Security
Tell the Story
What was the development problem the team was trying to solve?
The difficulties that faced previous initiatives of building market information system in Sudan was reflected in inappropriate follow up of the food security situation of the Sudan. In the mean time the telecommunication sector was rapidly developing by early 2000s which resembled an opportunity to effectively cover a large country like Sudan
What makes your project implementation unique or special?
The large number of markets and products to be covered was captured easily by the developed system while the dissemination via short messages (SMS) was a break through. The system is capable of sending market prices as well as extension messages to the various producers.
Technical Details
What is the name of the technology or initiative? If it doesn’t have a name, please create one
mobile phones technology
What country(s) was the technology implemented in?
What technology category does your technology fall under, if any?
Mobile Phones
What dates did the technology implementation take place?
09/2009 - 08/2017
Please describe the technology that was used to enhance the project development impact
FAMIS is a simple, web-enabled Market Information System capable of capturing the prices and transacted quantities of the monitored various products from several auction, local and village markets in Sudan. Certain modules are developed to handle the data reporting.
The data capturing can be through the website as well as SMS for the
villagers to overcome the difficulty in accessing internet service.
The insertion of data will be restricted to authorized users who will access their accounts with a
password while sending the data through SMS will only be via the registered mobile number of
the authorized enumerator.
Several reports can be extracted, viewed and printed from FAMIS website. .The SMS signed up
users can receive periodical alerts with market updates.
Please describe the outcomes of using the described technology (higher development impact, better decision making, cost effectiveness, other)
FAMIS is effective tool for capturing, the agricultural market parameters in a cost effective
manner as well as being efficient in retrieving and disseminating the market information. And
hence, FAMIS will contribute to better market transparency and production
Were there any challenges in implementation of the technology? Please describe any lessons learned
Various elements constitute the system , of which the human is major factor; willingness to use the system was a first challenge that was solved gradually through showing the system outcomes.
Harmonizing the technical , organizational and legal elements of the system took much of the efforts.
Remained with some incosistensies with the markets and the unstandardized local measures which we try to solve though continuous training and adaption to the market conditions.
Is this technology project-specific, or could it be replicated to enhance other projects? Please respond to the best of your ability.
It can be replicated in the other sectors such as health and education as well as other aspects within the agricultural sector such as surveying and field monitoring.
If you’d like to record a video summary of your concept, please link to it here.

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