


XPRIZE Visioneering 2018 - Design Challenge

Compete for a Chance to Win up to 100K by Designing and Pitching the next XPRIZE in 1 of our 5 Grand Challenge Areas

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Winners Announced!

This challenge is closed



Recording of Peter Diamandis' Facebook Live Q&A on Competition Design

What is Visioneering?

Visioneering is your opportunity to design one of our next XPRIZEs. We are asking for your design concepts that can help solve a global need in one of five Grand Challenge Areas. The designers of the best concepts will work with experts at XPRIZE to further refine their concepts and develop them into the robust, incentivized competitions that take a global stage at our premier annual event, Visioneering 2018.  Participants will be eligible to win prizes up to $100k in value

5 Grand Challenge Areas


How Can I Participate?
  1. Click "Accept Challenge" above to register for the competition
  2. Form a team or submit a design as an individual
  3. Watch the Sponsor Intent Videos and choose from one of the 5 Grand Challenge Areas
    (Energy of the Future, Feeding the Next Billion, Natural Disaster Prediction, Lifting Farmers out of Poverty, and Saving Coral Reefs)
  4. Watch Training Videos to help you design the next XPRIZE
  5. Create an account and contribute to the Wiki to share your expertise
  6. Record Your Pitch and Submit your design by July 23rd!


Still Have Questions? 

Start a post in our Forum to join the conversation, find a team, or connect with other innovators.



XPRIZE, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is the global leader in designing and implementing innovative competition models to solve the world’s grandest challenges. XPRIZE utilizes a unique combination of gamification, crowdsourcing, incentive prize theory and exponential technologies as a formula to make 10x (vs. 10%) impact in the grand challenge domains facing our world. XPRIZE’s philosophy is that—under the right circumstances—igniting rapid experimentation from a variety of diverse lenses is the most efficient and effective method to driving exponential impact and solutions to grand challenges.

Active competitions include the Lunar XPRIZE, $20M NRG COSIA Carbon XPRIZE, the $15M Global Learning XPRIZE, the $10M ANA Avatar XPRIZE, the $7M Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE, the $7M Barbara Bush Foundation Adult Literacy XPRIZE, the $5M IBM Watson AI XPRIZE, the $1.75M Water Abundance XPRIZE and the $1M Anu and Naveen Jain Women’s Safety XPRIZE.

To learn more about XPRIZE, visit

To learn more about Visioneering, visit



Phase I: up to 30 all-expenses paid trips to Los Angeles, California

Three eligible contestants per Grand Challenge Area will be selected as Semi-Finalists and will be eligible to receive an all-expenses paid trip to Los Angeles, California to attend the Phase I Design Hackathon on August 10–12, 2018 at the XPRIZE headquarters in Culver City, California (“Hackathon”) where the Semi-Finalists’ Submissions will compete with other submissions to be selected as one of two (2) Finalists in each Grand Challenge Area. At least one (1) Finalist in each Grand Challenge Area will be selected from among the Semi-Finalists. Semi-Finalists will not have the option of receiving the cash equivalent or any other payment in lieu of the all-expenses paid trip to participate in the Hackathon.

If any Semi-Finalist is unable to attend the Hackathon, then they will have the option of appointing a delegate (subject to XPRIZE’s approval) to attend the Hackathon in the Semi-Finalist’s place. If any Semi-Finalist cannot find a delegate, then XPRIZE will try to help find a delegate acceptable to both the Semi-Finalist and XPRIZE. If the Semi-Finalist  and XPRIZE are unable to agree on a suitable delegate, then XPRIZE will have the right to unilaterally appoint such a delegate and the Semi-Finalists will no longer be eligible to win any Prize.

Each Semi-Finalist will be required to perpetually, irrevocably and conditionally assign all right title and interest in and to the Semi-Finalist’s submission and the contents thereof to XPRIZE. Failure to execute such an assignment will make the Semi-Finalist ineligible to win any Prize.

Phase II: up to $50,000 total, $10,000 per Grand Challenge Area

Each Semi-Finalists whose submission provides the basis for one of the two (2) competition concepts per Grand Challenge Area selected to move forward as Finalists following the Hackathon will be awarded a Prize of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00).

To be eligible to win the Grand Prize of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00), each Finalist will be required sign and comply with a separate written agreement committing to the following:

  1. Attend an all-day training for Finalists on August 13, 2018 at the XPRIZE headquarters in Culver City, California (either in person or via an approved delegate);
  2. Work in collaboration with a team of competition design professionals from Accenture, LLP to help prepare the competition documents  and other deliverables specified in the Consulting Agreement between XPRIZE and Accenture, including a summary of background research, a detailed competition overview, draft competition guidelines, a brief marketing plan, an impact/scaling plan, and a high-level budget. It is estimated that this effort will require approximately ten to fifteen (10-15) hours per week from August 14, 2018 to October 17, 2018; and
  3. Attend the 2018 Visioneers Summit (“Summit”) on October 18–21, 2018 at the Terranea Resort in Rancho Palos Verdes, California and prepare, support and deliver (as needed) all required presentations, including an on-stage opening presentation at the beginning of the Summit, a number of “Experiential Room” presentations during the Summit, and a closing presentation at the end of the Summit. All reasonable and approved expenses incurred by the Finalist in connection with attendance at the Summit will be paid by XPRIZE.

All dates and locations specified above are subject to change at XPRIZE’s sole discretion. Failure to collaborate in good faith with Accenture and/or to contribute to the preparation and presentation of the deliverables (as determined by XPRIZE in its sole discretion) will disqualify a contestant from winning the Grand Prize.

Phase III: up to $25,000

At the conclusion of the Summit, one of the ten eligible competition designs will be recognized as the 2018 XPRIZE “Design of the Year.” If the “Design of the Year” is based on a Finalist’s submission, then such Finalist will be awarded the grand prize of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00).



All entries will be reviewed July 23rd - 27th by our XPRIZE internal review team. By July 27th, 5 entries per Grand Challenge Area will become semi-finalist contestants to be reviewed by XPRIZE Innovation Board Members. The Innovation Board Members will then determine which 3 finalists will advance to the Design Hackathon.


Judging Criteria

Minimum Eligibility

  • All entries must be made in English
  • All submission form fields must be completed

All entries that meet these minimum eligibility requirements will then be scored accordingly:

Written Submission: 90%

Within the written submission, equal, one-third weights will be placed on each of the 3 main evaluation criteria:

  1. Is this a great XPRIZE?
  2. Will this prize make tremendous impact?
  3. Does this prize have a high likelihood to launch?

Video Submission: 10%

For the video submission, you will be evaluated on how clearly and succinctly you are able to explain your prize design in an “elevator” pitch, with weight also given to the team’s ability to catalyze a support ecosystem around the prize.



Do you want to make a contribution to research in one of the Grand Challenge Areas? Visit the wiki tab for more information about prizes and how to contribute. Submit your research by June 29th for a chance to win!


Challenge Updates

Visioneering Summit Re-Cap

Nov. 16, 2018, 10:10 a.m. PST by MacKenzie Richter

Hi HeroXers,

Thank you for your support throughout our Visioneering 2018 process.  Below is an update of the winners, but first—we need your help to make the Visioneering process even better.  Please take our short survey here.  Please complete your feedback by no later than Sunday, November 25th.  And please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and stay tuned for many more opportunities to get involved with XPRIZE moving forward!

Read on to see the winners in each Grand Challenge Area.  And a special congratulations to Team Coral Survival for receiving the designation of Top Prize Design for 2018!  Team Coral Survival pitched a prize where the Winning Team Will demonstrate the highest number of surviving young coral across a 1 square kilometer area after a 2-year field trial.

In the other Grand Challenge Areas, the winners are as follows:

  • Feeding the Next Billion: Soilless Agriculture
    • The winning team will be the first to create a healthy daily diet for 100 people for 100 days in 1 closed soilless system.
  • Natural Disaster Prediction: Gaia Alert
    • The winning team will predict 30 consecutive earthquakes with 6 and above magnitude, and with the longest lead time, of at least 2 minutes.
  • Off-Grid Energy Access: emPOWER
    • The winning team will create a 500 watt home energy system that powers the largest number of valuable appliances for $1/day.
  • Lifting Farmers Out of Poverty: Xponential Farmers
    • The winning team will develop a virtual marketplace and autonomous transport solution that carries a 300kg load of fresh produce to a buyer’s doorstep 200km away within 6 hours of harvesting.

We also awarded the People’s Choice award (for the most votes received in our online campaign) to:

  • Ride the Eye
    • The winning team will develop the most accurate and affordable unmanned system able to measure the key environmental and geo-location data from the eyewall of a Category 3 hurricane and transmit it hourly for at least 5 days.

Looking ahead to Visioneering 2019, a lively debate at the event helped to determine what prize design concepts would be developed for next year. A prize design concept targeting Carbon Extraction was voted the winner for most promising Visioneering 2019 prize design concept. Other prize design concepts included those focused on Curing Autoimmune Diseases and Happiness, among others.

Please visit to learn more.

Lastly, we want to shout a huge thank you to YOU, the community that has made Visioneering 2018 such a resounding success.  Thank you for your passion, your engagement and for your desire to be active participants in making the world a more abundant place. 


Warmest wishes,

Your XPRIZE Family

Join us NOW - Livestream!

Oct. 18, 2018, 9 a.m. PDT by MacKenzie Richter


For the first time ever, XPRIZE Visioneering will be live-streamed! 

Watch here, now:

Meet Our Finalists - Feeding the Next Billion

Oct. 17, 2018, 2 p.m. PDT by MacKenzie Richter

Introducing our 2 Finalist teams in the Feeding the Next Billion Grand Challenge Area ...


Team See No Weevil: Agricultural Pest and Disease Early Warning System

By: Gary Mancuso and John Vitale


Team Soilless Agriculture

By: Pekka and Tuija Pakkanen 


Please join us in wishing Teams See No Weevil and Soilless Agriculture good luck as they head into the 2018 Visioneering Summit.

Do you have a favorite team in this category? We want to know which challenge area and teams you are most passionate about this year. Your voice could influence the next #XPRIZE. Vote here:

If you missed our post about Saving Coral Reef Finalists, Natural Disaster Prediction, Off-Grid Energy Access or Lifting Farmers Out of Poverty you can visit our latest updates here



XPRIZE Visioneering Team

Meet Our Finalists - Lifting Farmers Out of Poverty

Oct. 16, 2018, 2 p.m. PDT by MacKenzie Richter

Introducing our 2 Finalist teams in the Lifting Farmers Out of Poverty Grand Challenge Area ...


Team Xponential Farmer

By: Butch Changramai, Sameh Abdelrazak and Josephine Phinith



Team Kulka

By: Soroush Parsa



Please join us in wishing Teams Xponential Farmer and Kulka good luck as they head into the 2018 Visioneering Summit.

Do you have a favorite team in this category? We want to know which challenge area and teams you are most passionate about this year. Your voice could influence the next #XPRIZE. Vote here:

Stay tuned for Finalist Videos in the final Grand Challenge Area: Feeding the Next Billion


If you missed our post about Saving Coral Reef Finalists, Natural Disaster Prediction or Off-Grid Energy Access, you can visit our latest updates here



XPRIZE Visioneering Team

Join the XPRIZE Visioneering Livestream!

Oct. 15, 2018, 5:55 p.m. PDT by MacKenzie Richter



Every year XPRIZE gathers 350 CEO's, philanthropists, innovators, and heads-of-state to select and shape the next five XPRIZE's.  The event is called VISIONEERING, and traditionally it has been closed to the public.


This year, XPRIZE is live-streaming the event for free, open to the public.This is their way of digitizing, demonetizing and democratizing access and sharing XPRIZE’s mission with the world.


As part of the HeroX community, interested in Incentive Prizes and IMPACT, we thought you’d enjoy participating.


Please sign up at this link to receive the livestream link and event schedule.The livestream begins on Thursday, October 18th at 9:00am PDT and goes thru Saturday evening, Oct 20th.


During the 3 days of Visioneering, you will meet the Celebs, philanthropists and experts dedicating their lives to solving the world’s grand challenges. This year we’re focused on:

  1. Lifting Farmers out of Poverty
  2. Predicting Earth Quakes & Cyclones
  3. Off-Grid Energy Access
  4. Saving Coral Reefs
  5. Feeding the Next Billion


By tapping into the genius of the crowd, XPRIZE and HeroX can increase the likelihood of achieving breakthroughs that generate a 10x impact in the world.


Please join us in solving the world’s grand challenges. Hope to see you online!


