Introducing our 2 Finalist teams in the Off-Grid Energy Access Grand Challenge Area ...


Team emPOWER


Team Affordable Off-Grid Refrigeration

By: Andrew Dowdy and Larry Bentley



Please join us in wishing Teams emPOWER and Affordable Off-Grid Refrigeration good luck as they head into the 2018 Visioneering Summit.

Do you have a favorite team in this category? We want to know which challenge area and teams you are most passionate about this year. Your voice could influence the next #XPRIZE. Vote here:

Stay tuned for Finalist Videos in the other 2 Grand Challenge Areas: Lifting Farmers Out of Poverty and Feeding the Next Billion. 


If you missed our post about Saving Coral Reef Finalists or Natural Disaster Prediction, you can visit our latest updates here



XPRIZE Visioneering Team