
Announcing the Products for Life Challenge

Have you ever had to throw out something just because one little part was broken, but you couldn't replace it? Wouldn't you like to buy products knowing that they'll last months, years, even decades?

More and more people are feeling a need for efficient products, which not only last a long time but are also environmentally friendly. Despite this, people usually won't upgrade unless the new products are obviously quite superior to the old, cheaper and guaranteed to last much longer.

That's why HeroX is hosting the Products for Life Challenge. The Challenge is to create an efficient, environmentally sustainable fluid dynamic system, that will dramatically outperform existing lead technologies.

Fluid dynamic systems contain or control a liquid or gas, for purposes like plumbing, refrigeration, dishwashing, air conditioning, and many others. These systems are usually not built with sustainability in mind and don't make use of the most effective materials available today. Products made poorly, with poor quality materials, don't work as well as they could and need to be regularly replaced.

Many fluidic systems aren't designed for easy repair and maintenance. Instead, when one part breaks, the entire unit is tossed in the dump rather than just upgrading with a better piece.

Now more than ever, consumers are catching on that junk just isn't worth the price. We've recently seen amazing advances in new materials and technologies, and it's time for smarter products, made intelligently and sustainably with the most efficient materials.

The Products for Life Challenge is a call for better engineering. We have the resources available today to create fluid dynamic systems that use less water, less fuel, and less electricity, all while lasting longer. They could perform better while also being smaller and quieter, with easily replaceable (and upgradable) parts. And, very importantly, they could be refurbished or recycled when they become outdated.

We're looking for a design for a product that will perform better than the competition, while costing less, lasting longer, and being easier to use. It might sound like a lofty goal, but we have the resources and technology available today to make this idea a reality.

So if you have some great ideas to create more efficient fluid dynamic systems, or just want to learn more about the contest, head on over to the Products for Life Challenge page.

Swagelok is a company dedicated to manufacturing high-quality fluid systems that will make people happier with their experience and contribute to the wellbeing of the planet. They think you, the HeroX audience, can help them achieve their goal of using the best materials and technologies available and designing with sustainability in mind.

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