Upcoming webinar: Connecting the Community Research Showcase - July 11, 2024, 9 a.m. PDT

Crowdsourcing Innovation News & Resources | HeroX

The Latest Crowdsourcing News Covering Technology, Healthcare, Infrastructure, and Space Breakthroughs Out Of This World.
I sure wouldn't want to be inside that airplane, but this drop test was supposed to improve my safety.
How long should a tweet last?
While some chefs (like the one pictured at the top) really know what they're doing, I'll admit I don't.
Stephen Hawking is a physicist who is fascinated with how the universe came to be.
It used to be so simple, so fun to take pictures.
If humans (as a species) love to fly, we also love to fly faster.
Until Americans implement more traffic circles in their neighborhoods, red lights will be inevitable here.
It sure is nostalgic to think how exciting e-mail was 20 years ago.
Being able to replicate stuff is no longer an empty Star Trek promise.
Looks like robot lawnmowers are finally coming to the U.S.