
Flying Fish Lab


Can you make Chocolate and Candy cheaper AND healthier?

How can we make confectionery more affordable, yet better for you? Submit 2 ideas - 1 for chocolate and 1 for candy.

This challenge is closed


This challenge is closed



Flying Fish Lab is an open-innovation consultancy that works across several industries. We are looking for ideas for our clients in the food business. 


Problem Statement

As the price of ingredients, energy and transportation keep increasing, chocolate and confectionery manufacturers face greater pressure to find new sources of cost savings and productivity gain so that consumers can still enjoy their favourite treats at a retail price that remains affordable. We want to turn this necessary change into an opportunity: Consumers are becoming more aware about eating food that’s not only delicious but also good for them. While chocolates and candies have always represented indulgence and enjoyment, and will never replace healthy snacks, is it possible to make them more affordable to produce while making them a little better for you?



Current Solutions

Current solutions focus on reduction of the goodies in chocolates and candy bars like sugar, cocoa, dairy… which present risks of consumer dissatisfaction if it impacts on taste. Most are silent changes such as finding cheaper combinations or sources of raw materials, recycling by-products or optimising manufacturing and distribution.



Pain Point

It is imperative that the consumer experience is not impacted by our change. How can we deliver the same or better taste with a slightly healthier product which also delivers cost savings in the short-term? What consumer-beneficial changes can help us save? What impact could these changes have on the whole value chain?



  • Please submit two ideas: 1 for chocolate and 1 for candies. You will be eligible to win for either idea you submitted. It could be a chocolate idea or a candy idea. 

  • Your submission should include:
    • 1 visual that illustrate your idea. It could be an existing picture, diagram or something you create from scratch.
    • 1 page as a WORD document explaining your idea, answering these questions:
      • What did you change compared to the original product?
      • Why do you believe your change will make the product more affordable while making it better for you?
      • Where will it have most impact on the value chain?
      • How does your revamped product provide a high-quality experience for consumers?
  • Total prize pool: USD2,300 split across 3 prizes: 1st Prize: $1,200, 2nd Prize: $700, 3rd Prize: $400.


  • This is not about launching new products or new variants.  This is about the same chocolate and candies that you currently find in stores but with some changes that will make them as good or better yet making them less sinful and more affordable to produce.

  • There are many areas you can focus on:
    • Changing the ingredients and the recipe (while keeping true to what the products are about),
    • Changing the way raw materials are sourced and purchased,
    • Changing the format, the shape, the way the product is presented and structured, etc...,
    • Changing the packaging (primary and secondary),
    • Changing the way the product is manufactured and the technology used for that process,
    • Changing how the product is stored and transported to the customer and consumer
  • When you think of “healthier” or “Better for you”, don’t turn indulgent treats into health food! A chocolate bar will never be as healthy as a cereal bar and it should not. Think of small changes that will make a person feel a little bit less guilty when enjoying them.

  • Please do not include palm oil or its derivatives in your ideas.


  • IMPORTANT: By participating in this project you agree to waive your rights to the intellectual property of the ideas you submitted to Flying Fish Lab Pte Ltd. 



Challenge Updates

Winners Selected!

Aug. 1, 2019, 7:46 p.m. PDT by Flying Fish Lab

Hello dear community,

Good news: We have chosen 3 winners for this project whose idea provided inspiration as well as a feasible solution. The bad news is that since it is our first project on HeroX, and despite reading all the FAQs and guidelines we still have no ideas on how to announce the winners in the proper channel on the platform... I have emailed the HeroX team and we should hear shortly, hopefully by Monday. Stay tuned and in the meantime thank you for the great work and the good discussions!

Joel/Flying Fish Lab

1 More Day!

July 11, 2019, 3 a.m. PDT by Flying Fish Lab

It's not too late! There is one more day to submit your innovative ideas for Can you make Chocolate and Candy cheaper AND healthier?. All submissions must be submitted by July 12, 2019, 5 p.m. +08.

In order for your entry to be eligible, your submission must meet the requirements outlined on our crowdsourcing page. 

View the How to Submit your entry video at the following link:

We are excited to review all of your amazing ideas!

2 Days to Go!!!

July 9, 2019, 8:33 p.m. PDT by Flying Fish Lab

We are just 2 days away from our submission deadline for Can you make Chocolate and Candy cheaper AND healthier?!

This message is to remind you to complete and finalize your submission before the deadline - July 12, 2019, 5 p.m. +08 . The HeroX platform is automated so your submission must be finalized before that date for it to be considered for the judging stage.

View a How-To video on completing your submission here:

If you have any questions regarding the competition, please don’t hesitate to ask us directly or leave a comment on our crowdsourcing page Forum.

If you encounter any technical issues with the HeroX platform, please contact HeroX tech support at

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