Arif Rahman
Sept. 1, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2020
Post Doctoral Fellow at Hawaii Natural Energy Institute (HNEI)
April 19, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2019
Post Doctoral Fellow at University of Hawaii at Manoa
Nov. 2, 2018 - April 12, 2019
Senior Electrical Engineer at Oceanit Laboratories Inc.
Aug. 1, 2014 - Aug. 10, 2018
Research Assistant at University of Hawaii at Manoa
Dec. 1, 2006 - May 30, 2014
Senior Electrical Engineer at Bangladesh Navy
Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
“My life goal is to positively impact the lives of underserved & improve the well-being of the needy”
M Arifur Rahman Chief Executive Officer, Hawai’i Innovation Laboratory Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Hawai'i Pacific University Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell Tech. Cornell University Affiliate Graduate Faculty, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa Telephone: 808-308-3275, Email: Education and Training: Bangladesh Naval Academy Naval Science BS 2002 Military Institute of science & Technology Electrical Engineering BS 2006 University of Hawai’i at Manoa Electrical Engineering Ph.D. 2018 University of Hawai’i at Manoa Renewable Energy Post Doc. 2019 Cornell University Runway startup Postdoctoral fellow 2022 Research and Professional Experience: Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Hawai’i Innovation Lab, Honolulu, Feb 2020 to present Postdoctoral Fellow, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, U. Hawaii at Manoa, Sep. 1209 to Aug 2020 Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, U. Hawaii at Manoa, Apr. 18 to Aug. 19 Senior Electrical Engineer, Oceanit Laboratories Inc., Honolulu, HI, Nov. 18 to Apr. 19 Research Assistant, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, U. Hawaii at Manoa, 2014 to 2018 Senior Electrical Engineer, Bangladesh Navy, 2006 to 2013 Assistant Electrical Engineer, Bangladesh Navy, 2000 to 2006 Publications: 1. M. A. Rahman, K. Elassy, L. R. Roose, W. A. Shiroma, and A. T. Ohta "A Lightweight, Low-Cost Liquid-Metal Personal Cooling System for Prolonged Cooling" In Digest of Technical Papers IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Jan. 2020. 2. A. M. Watson, T. F. Leary, K. S. Elassy, A. G. Mattamana, M. A. Rahman, W. A. Shiroma, A. T. Ohta, and C. E. Tabor, “Physically reconfigurable RF liquid electronics via Laplace barriers,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 67, no. 12, pp. 4881-4889, 2019. 3. Elassy, Kareem S., M. A. Rahman, Nicholas S. Yama, Wayne A. Shiroma, and Aaron T. Ohta. "Complex Permittivity of NaOH Solutions Used in Liquid-Metal Circuits," IEEE Access, vol. 7, no. 19087469, pp. 150150- 150156, 2019 4. M. A. Rahman, W. A. Shiroma, and A. T. Ohta, “Liquid-metal capacitors with a 42:1 tuning ratio,” Electronics Letters, 2017. DOI: 10.1049/el.2017.0635 5. M. A. Rahman, R. C. Gough, M. M. Moorefield, G. B. Zhang, W. A. Shiroma, and A. T. Ohta, “Electrically actuated liquid metal for reconfigurable RF devices,” IEEE International Conference on Wireless Information Technology and Systems (ICWITS) and Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES), pp. 1-2, Mar. 2016. 6. Watson, Alexander M., Kareem Elassy, Thomas Leary, M. A. Rahman, Aaron Ohta, Wayne Shiroma, and Christopher E. Tabor. "Enabling Reconfigurable All-Liquid Microcircuits via Laplace Barriers to Control Liquid Metal." In IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium digest. 2019. Patents: 1. M Arifur Rahman (first inventor), Kareem Elassy, Wayne Shiroma, Aaron Ohta “Liquid Metal Hybrid Cooling Garment,” US patent application no. 62846593, 2019. 2. Kareem Elassy, M Arifur Rahman, Wayne Shiroma, Aaron Ohta “Low-Cost Reflective Coating for Deformable Mirrors”, disclosed to UH TTR, 2019. Synergistic Activities: • Senior Member, IEEE • Member, Electronic Product and Services Board, IEEE Robotics & Automation Soc. • Vice Chair, IEEE MTT-s Hawaii chapter • Chair, Young Professional (YP), Hawaii chapter • Member, IEEE Power & Electronics Society (PES) Engineering community service: • Editorial board member, Micromachines journal Reviewer for Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Sensors, Micromachines, Advance Biosystem, IET Circuits, Devices & Systems., Journal of Biophotonics, IEEE Nanomed 2019, IEEE Nano., Robotics, MDPI, Journal of Micro Bio- Robotics Broadening participation of underrepresented groups: • Native Hawaiian Science and Engineering Program Graduate Student mentor • Judge, and mentor, Hawaii State Science Fair 2014- 2019. STEM Outreach: • Mentor, k-12 student at district level schools. Identification of Potential Conflicts of Interest or Bias in Selection of Reviews: Collaborators and Co-editors: Fan, Qihui, Beijing U. Chemical Tech. (China); Garcia, Maurice,U. California, San Francisco; Gough, Ryan, North Star Scientific Corp.; Hu, Wenqi Max Planck Inst. Intelligent Syst. (Germany); Huang, Thomas, Pacific IVF Institute; Leary, Thomas; Mattamana, Aji; Quach, Tony; Tabor, Christopher; Watson, Alexander, Air Force Research Laboratory - Graduate and Postdoctoral Advisors: Graduate and Postdoctoral Advisors: • University of Hawai’i at Manoa: Aaron Ohta, Wayne Shiroma, and Leon Roose • Chiba Institute of Technology: Zhidong Wang Personally Identifiable Information:
Inventor Project manager Researcher Scientist
Roles I’m interested in
HeroXpert Innovator Judge
“My life goal is to positively impact the lives of underserved & improve the well-being of the needy”
M Arifur Rahman Chief Executive Officer, Hawai’i Innovation Laboratory Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Hawai'i Pacific University Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell Tech. Cornell University Affiliate Graduate Faculty, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa Telephone: 808-308-3275, Email: Education and Training: Bangladesh Naval Academy Naval Science BS 2002 Military Institute of science & Technology Electrical Engineering BS 2006 University of Hawai’i at Manoa Electrical Engineering Ph.D. 2018 University of Hawai’i at Manoa Renewable Energy Post Doc. 2019 Cornell University Runway startup Postdoctoral fellow 2022 Research and Professional Experience: Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Hawai’i Innovation Lab, Honolulu, Feb 2020 to present Postdoctoral Fellow, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, U. Hawaii at Manoa, Sep. 1209 to Aug 2020 Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, U. Hawaii at Manoa, Apr. 18 to Aug. 19 Senior Electrical Engineer, Oceanit Laboratories Inc., Honolulu, HI, Nov. 18 to Apr. 19 Research Assistant, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, U. Hawaii at Manoa, 2014 to 2018 Senior Electrical Engineer, Bangladesh Navy, 2006 to 2013 Assistant Electrical Engineer, Bangladesh Navy, 2000 to 2006 Publications: 1. M. A. Rahman, K. Elassy, L. R. Roose, W. A. Shiroma, and A. T. Ohta "A Lightweight, Low-Cost Liquid-Metal Personal Cooling System for Prolonged Cooling" In Digest of Technical Papers IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Jan. 2020. 2. A. M. Watson, T. F. Leary, K. S. Elassy, A. G. Mattamana, M. A. Rahman, W. A. Shiroma, A. T. Ohta, and C. E. Tabor, “Physically reconfigurable RF liquid electronics via Laplace barriers,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 67, no. 12, pp. 4881-4889, 2019. 3. Elassy, Kareem S., M. A. Rahman, Nicholas S. Yama, Wayne A. Shiroma, and Aaron T. Ohta. "Complex Permittivity of NaOH Solutions Used in Liquid-Metal Circuits," IEEE Access, vol. 7, no. 19087469, pp. 150150- 150156, 2019 4. M. A. Rahman, W. A. Shiroma, and A. T. Ohta, “Liquid-metal capacitors with a 42:1 tuning ratio,” Electronics Letters, 2017. DOI: 10.1049/el.2017.0635 5. M. A. Rahman, R. C. Gough, M. M. Moorefield, G. B. Zhang, W. A. Shiroma, and A. T. Ohta, “Electrically actuated liquid metal for reconfigurable RF devices,” IEEE International Conference on Wireless Information Technology and Systems (ICWITS) and Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES), pp. 1-2, Mar. 2016. 6. Watson, Alexander M., Kareem Elassy, Thomas Leary, M. A. Rahman, Aaron Ohta, Wayne Shiroma, and Christopher E. Tabor. "Enabling Reconfigurable All-Liquid Microcircuits via Laplace Barriers to Control Liquid Metal." In IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium digest. 2019. Patents: 1. M Arifur Rahman (first inventor), Kareem Elassy, Wayne Shiroma, Aaron Ohta “Liquid Metal Hybrid Cooling Garment,” US patent application no. 62846593, 2019. 2. Kareem Elassy, M Arifur Rahman, Wayne Shiroma, Aaron Ohta “Low-Cost Reflective Coating for Deformable Mirrors”, disclosed to UH TTR, 2019. Synergistic Activities: • Senior Member, IEEE • Member, Electronic Product and Services Board, IEEE Robotics & Automation Soc. • Vice Chair, IEEE MTT-s Hawaii chapter • Chair, Young Professional (YP), Hawaii chapter • Member, IEEE Power & Electronics Society (PES) Engineering community service: • Editorial board member, Micromachines journal Reviewer for Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Sensors, Micromachines, Advance Biosystem, IET Circuits, Devices & Systems., Journal of Biophotonics, IEEE Nanomed 2019, IEEE Nano., Robotics, MDPI, Journal of Micro Bio- Robotics Broadening participation of underrepresented groups: • Native Hawaiian Science and Engineering Program Graduate Student mentor • Judge, and mentor, Hawaii State Science Fair 2014- 2019. STEM Outreach: • Mentor, k-12 student at district level schools. Identification of Potential Conflicts of Interest or Bias in Selection of Reviews: Collaborators and Co-editors: Fan, Qihui, Beijing U. Chemical Tech. (China); Garcia, Maurice,U. California, San Francisco; Gough, Ryan, North Star Scientific Corp.; Hu, Wenqi Max Planck Inst. Intelligent Syst. (Germany); Huang, Thomas, Pacific IVF Institute; Leary, Thomas; Mattamana, Aji; Quach, Tony; Tabor, Christopher; Watson, Alexander, Air Force Research Laboratory - Graduate and Postdoctoral Advisors: Graduate and Postdoctoral Advisors: • University of Hawai’i at Manoa: Aaron Ohta, Wayne Shiroma, and Leon Roose • Chiba Institute of Technology: Zhidong Wang Personally Identifiable Information:
Inventor Project manager Researcher Scientist
Roles I’m interested in
HeroXpert Innovator Judge
Arif Rahman's team Arif Rahman's team
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Arif Rahman's team Arif Rahman's team
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Hawaii Pacific University Hawaii Pacific University
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Arif Rahman's team Arif Rahman's team
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Arif Rahman's team Arif Rahman's team
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Arif Rahman's team Arif Rahman's team
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AquaSolaris AquaSolaris
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HPU Electrical Engineers HPU Electrical Engineers
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Hawaii Innovation Hawaii Innovation
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Arif Rahman's team Arif Rahman's team
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Hawai'i Innovation Hawai'i Innovation
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Hawai'i Pacific University Hawai'i Pacific University
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Arif Rahman's team Arif Rahman's team
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Hawai'i Innovation Hawai'i Innovation
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Hawaii Innovations Hawaii Innovations
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Hawaii Innovations Hawaii Innovations
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Hawai'i Innovation Laboratory, Inc. Hawai'i Innovation Laboratory, Inc.
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Hawai'i Innovation Hawai'i Innovation
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Arif Rahman's team Arif Rahman's team
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Arif's team Arif's team
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Hawai'i Innovation Laboratory, Inc. Hawai'i Innovation Laboratory, Inc.
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Arif Rahman's team Arif Rahman's team
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AquaSolaris Team Overview
by Arif Rahman's team
HPU's AquaSolaris Team
(From left to right) Arif Rahman (faculty advisor), Clarissa Burhan (team lead), Jhonas Ponce, Charlotte Train
by Arif Rahman's team
AquaSolaris: Solar Heat & Deep Sea Cooling Power
Leverages solar heat & deep sea water in a thermoelectric to efficiently harness surface-to-deep sea thermal gradients for power generation.
by Arif Rahman's team