Upcoming webinar: Connecting the Community Research Showcase - July 11, 2024, 9 a.m. PDT

Crowdsourcing Innovation News & Resources | HeroX

The Latest Crowdsourcing News Covering Technology, Healthcare, Infrastructure, and Space Breakthroughs Out Of This World.
Dynamic Risk has launched a challenge to inspire the creation of a cognitive system that will be able to not only read, but interpret documents.
As the first fully-robotized kitchen of its kind, the Automated Kitchen is helping to make robotic chefs a reality!
A team from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have created a tiny robot that could lead to an era of nanomedicine.
We once thought of the ocean as an endless supply of area to dump our garbage. No longer.
Isn't all this technology supposed to make our lives easier? Some days, it's hard to imagine.
There seems to be a perception that all these screens around us discourage physical activity in children.
When we bring humans to Mars, what sort of flag will we plant in the dirt?
Someday, the universe could be explored using robot swarms, and NASA is looking to get the ball rolling with its Swarmathon Challenge!
Do you love minimalism and simple living? The ultimate would be to reduce or eliminate your need to use the grid.
It's been said that technology is isolating, but in many cases, it can enhance our ability to connect with others.