
Crowdsourcing Innovation News & Resources | HeroX

The Latest Crowdsourcing News Covering Technology, Healthcare, Infrastructure, and Space Breakthroughs Out Of This World.
Considering the fact that we are close to an age where robots are likely to be a common feature in the home - as well as the workplace, factories,…
In the ongoing drive to make solar power more productive and affordable, one of the greatest hurdles lies in breaking efficiency limits. Typically, …
As the ancient Chinese proverb says: "Tell me and I will forget; show me and I will remember; involve me and I will understand." Whether this was …
If there is one thing that has defined technological progress in the past 50 years, it would be the ongoing trend towards miniaturization and ergo…
When it comes to health care, Canada considers itself to be a leader in the global community. Considering the health and wellness of our general pop…
Between Roombots that do our vacuuming, robotic personal assistants, and telepresence robots, there seems to be no limit to the applications robot…
In the long search to find alternatives to fossil fuels and industrial processes that produce tons of waste, several ideas have been forward. These …
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) have come a long way in recent years. Whether it is high-end VR concepts like Facebook's Oculus Ri…
The 20th century was an incredibly auspicious time for the human race. Not only did the global population grow exponentially - from just over a bi…
In their ongoing pursuit of robots that can handle any task - from assisting people with special needs, to navigating disaster areas, or building …