
Crowdsourcing Innovation News & Resources | HeroX

The Latest Crowdsourcing News Covering Technology, Healthcare, Infrastructure, and Space Breakthroughs Out Of This World.
HeroX is a crowd-sourced platform for innovation. CEO Christian Cotichini.
But what if the costs of desalination were reduced to a more feasible level? That’s the question being asked by the Seawater Desalination Challenge.
Good nutrition is key in preventing and curing metabolic diseases. What’s In My Food!?
REN21: A little over 22% of the world generated their energy from renewable sources in 2013 – hydro, solar, wind, bio and geothermal.
Office of Science and Technology Policy Asking for “public comments to inform its policy development related to high-impact learning technologies,”
Mayo Clinic announced May 2014 they had successfully used a modified measles vaccine to fight myeloma, a cancer of the blood.
What is the Odon Device, what does it teach us about innovation? HeroX enables anyone to solve any problem using the power of the crowd.
747s powered by biodiesel. Cars shared on a community basis. Crowd-sourced economic justice, harvesting the resources of our collective genius-brain