
Crowdsourcing Innovation News & Resources | HeroX

The Latest Crowdsourcing News Covering Technology, Healthcare, Infrastructure, and Space Breakthroughs Out Of This World.
The Moon Landing, which occurred on July 20th 1969, was perhaps the greatest achievement in human history. Not only was it the crowning achievement …
Robots have long been used to carry out tasks, ranging from construction and factory assembling to cleaning and surveying. But robots that can rec…
Far from Silicon Valley in California, there is a place that some are now calling “Silicon Savannah.” Located around Nairobi, and centered on the …
Collaborative Consumption. Reputation Marketing. Trust Metrics. The Sharing Economy. Chances are, you've heard these terms being thrown around lat…
Frank Swain, a 32 year-old science writer from London, was first diagnosed with early onset hearing loss when he was in his 20s. In 2012, he was fit…
Today, more than a billion people around the world live without electricity, either due to lack of access or the sheer fact that they cannot affor…
Open any book of speculative science fiction and chances are, the subject of mind control will come up. Not so much the ability to control others wi…
The Internet of Things - where all things in the real world are digitally tagged and monitored, as with the internet - is fast becoming a reality.
Imagine if you will a long tether made of super-tensile materials, running 100,000 km from the Earth and reaching into geostationary orbit. Now im…
One of the hallmarks of modern medicine is the way it is taking diseases and conditions once thought to be chronic and incurable, and presenting p…