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Crowdsourcing News
Covering Technology, Healthcare, Infrastructure, and Space Breakthroughs Out Of This World.
Is Fusion The Way Of The Future?
Fusion power has taken a beating in the last few decades. Once considered the best option for clean, abundant alternatives to fossil fuel and coal…
The Case For Flying Cars
When it comes to the broken promises of the 21st century, the flying car is considered the greatest of betrayals. For those of us growing up in th…
Educate the World with the Global Learning XPRIZE
XPRIZE launched its most recent grand challenge last week, the Global Learning XPRIZE , a $15M competition to empower children to take control of th…
Inside the Launch of HeroX
“We love crowdfunding and we love incentive competitions. What’s working is that there isn’t a singular platform to go to to combine and collaborat…
Lets plan today for the water we will drink tomorrow
The Seawater Desalination Challenge is a competition to facilitate the development of breakthrough technologies for low-cost removal of salt from se…
A New Wave
I’ll be honest. I have a problem with sound. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve shot some video only to find out that I hadn’t configured my sound …
Crisis Trends: Visualizing teen crisis data for researchers
Every day, thousands of teens struggle with bullying, abuse, and family conflicts. Many of these teenagers face depression, self-harm, and thoughts o…
Congratulations Texas!
Texas has been named the fastest-growing tech job market in the US in 2014
Fraser Cain on Daily Tech News Show
Fraser Cain from HeroX talks about technology and innovation
Wanted: Methane
We are going to see more and more releases of methane from sinkholes and from the ocean floor