
Crowdsourcing Innovation News & Resources | HeroX

The Latest Crowdsourcing News Covering Technology, Healthcare, Infrastructure, and Space Breakthroughs Out Of This World.
Drones have come a long way in recent years. Far from being merely hunter-killers and surveillance platforms for the military and espionage progra…
When it comes to the future of manufacturing, self-assembly is the order of the day. Even with the advent of 3-D printing, fashioning objects, bui…
Since it was first discovered in 2003, research into the miracle material known as graphene has expanded rapidly. Composed purely of carbon atoms…
First discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming, the development of antibiotics revolutionized the field of medicine. Their use to combat infections t…
Medical technology has advanced by leaps in bounds in the past few decades. From magnetic resonance imaging and lab-on-a-chip technology, from bio…
One of the most oberservable trends in the history of computing has been the trend towards miniaturization. In addition to constantly looking to u…
In the 20th century, space exploration was a privilege that no one outside of a few federal organizations could participate in. Between NASA, the …
It is no secret that the world is facing an energy crisis. Global demand for fossil fuels continues to rise due to the growth of economies in Asia…
During the 1980s, Professor Hans Moravec articulated a problem that he believed existed within the field of robotics and computing. The way he saw…
It’s known as Achromatopsia, a rare form of color blindness that effects one in thirty-five thousand people. For those living with this condition,…