
Crowdsourcing Innovation News & Resources | HeroX

The Latest Crowdsourcing News Covering Technology, Healthcare, Infrastructure, and Space Breakthroughs Out Of This World.
California is called the Golden State. It should be called the Automobile State. 44-years-old, with a downtown lifestyle and a bicycle.
An artificial gill system: a call for submissions
Convince Someone To Change The World: Introduce your idea, you need an environment, Turn your listeners into contributing participants, keep it simple
Space debris is floating around our planet in Low Earth Orbit, half a million pieces of space debris according to a 2013 NASA estimate
Google and IEEE co-sponsored the $1M Little Box Challenge to create of a power inverter that converts DC current from solar, wind into an AC current
A 404 Error is a server response code. The computer that holds a website telling your computer, “Sorry, I ain’t got them droids you’re looking for.”
How HeroX works: You offer up a prize and let the world compete to win it. You only pay when the thing actually exists.
Shockley-Queisser limit that reveals a 33.7% efficiency limit on the amount of solar energy a photovoltaic cell can generate.
From time to time HeroX is running a crowd-sourcing challenge for ideas. This one is called the ImagineX Challenge.
When we first created HeroX, we were trying to be a more streamlined version of the X Prize Foundation.That meant rethinking the best practices